Is Kanye An Overrated Producer?

He pushed the boundaries on each album and made it work and sound good. I think he's slowly starting to fall off, but without a doubt he has done as much for hip hop production as dilla did back in the day. No way is he overrated.
Kanye is a very talented individual, I think R.A. is a very opinionated guy and he made it very clear in the interview that he didn't care for Kanye. I think in todays industry Rap/HipHop is so over saturated with the same stuff, Kanye did a very good job on setting himself apart from the mainstream. He did so by being confident in himself and not conforming to the "norm" of the industry and that's why he is "overrated" if you will.
Over a year late, but bruh? For real? Like? What? Really?

No way is Kanye overrated. He's a bit hated for his personality and such, but his music is solid. Period.

Also, secure your site. Makes it seem like spam.
Kanye is def a top 20 Hip-Hop producer of all time to me. Probably top 10-15.
His mid 00's work got me into sampling.
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I read this back. Kanye is probably top 10. He made incredible beats in the mid 00's and i will always love him for that.
Somewhat yes, but you gotta remember the shit he made for his era back then, was dope compared to what other producers were making, he's more of a genius in his own niche, that being boom bap/old schoolish vibes
Of course he's become overrated. That is what happens when you reach that level. That's how you reach that level, you become overrated. Considering most of his success is to be attributed to sampling (which I'm not saying there is anything wrong with) yes, he's overrated.
Kanye is the all time greatest producer in my opinion. Hit after hit, and he lays down doper and more well thought lyrics than most. Kanye is a great polymath that has shaped the sound of modern and contemporary music. He's always learning new things and shaping a new sound. Never stagnant. His stuff is always avant-garde and ahead of it's time, yet still remaining true and respectful to hip-hop and the craft. Love this man. He's worked extremely hard to get where he is and he told everyone he was gonna do it.
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I have been listening to “Graduation”. Man, Kanye really did make the transition from from producer to rapper to artist with that album. That pretty much started the whole shift for him into icon status. Everything after that has been such a progressive shift as an artist that I can see why some people think he is overrated.

But that dude worked hard as hell justbto become a rapper. He could have just languished as a boom bap producer making beats for mixtapes with an album cut here and there. He put in the work!

He's not overrated at all. We have to respect not only his talent for music but everything that it took to get where he is if you ask me. It takes a hell of a work ethic, discipline, ambition and hunger to be successful. I dont think hes overrated. I do think that anyone can do anything and thats why people might be saying that hes underrated. I mean yeah some people are better producers than him but are they as good at branding, positioning, networking and everything else?