Irish sample .. flip this.. I dare you.. you scurred?

thanks for the sample man definitely gonna flip this
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Am feeling these flips..

Thanks for the sample. Here is a flip, I wish I could say quick.

X that one

Still just a drum loop for the time being

I like it though man some times a loop is the best thing. Though a kick with more low end would be better.

Here's my flip:
Might do something different with it later,sample is dope!
Thanks noble!

You killed it man, that bass is on point.

Thanks for the samp Noble! Here's my quick flip. I may actually go back and finish this up

Dopeness, finish that up man! maybe add some hats? like a fast pattern or some shakers, feels just a tad bit slow.. Nice work..
Great sample Noble, cheers man... Nice to see people sample shyt other than soul..

Quick flip to shake off the rust.
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