Im curious on average how long you guys dig before you find a smaple you like?

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mikey joe

Im just wondering cause sometimes i find myself searching for days without any good material then others minutes is this the same for you guys or more experienced producers?

Just wondering am i spending too long searching? I dont think so because i believe quality over quantity any day but wha do you guys think
If you know your records its not long at all. If you don't it can be weeks and frustrating. I tend to find out about artists from friends or family members who were around during that era and if I like the artist get the music from anyone associated with that artist when I am in digger mode.
What I've been doing lately, cauase I have the same problem, is letting satelite radio play in the background while I kill some PS3 or do something else on some exclusive stations for the genre I'm looking to sample from and just let it play all day, 24 hrs pretty much and just let ur ears work and listen for that sound or loop ur looking for.
Like on a sunday I'll be home all day just listening, and eventhough it's like background music, you're ear will pick something out that sounds catchy.
Sometimes I can find something I like as soon as I drop the needle on the record, but other times i can be searching for hours and not be able to find anything I wanna work with
try not being fussy. i know it sounds like im bein an a.hole.cos i dont know what songs you sampling or digging i just mean try chop songs, they may not sound dope at first but **** around and you might get something crazy. as you get better at adapting yourself to sample various genres. you get more ideas popping into your head about what you can do with the sample your are listening to. hope that makes sense.
im not too fussy but sometimes i am lol but i do just looove experimenting with maybe just a snippet of sound and seeing how far i can take it like premo style haha def not on his lvl yet though ha like -20^345^34 miles away
What I've been doing lately, cauase I have the same problem, is letting satelite radio play in the background while I kill some PS3 or do something else on some exclusive stations for the genre I'm looking to sample from and just let it play all day, 24 hrs pretty much and just let ur ears work and listen for that sound or loop ur looking for.
Like on a sunday I'll be home all day just listening, and eventhough it's like background music, you're ear will pick something out that sounds catchy.
I do this mainly while i am posting here or playing xbox or something
Got sick of searching for samples... Bought a ZOOM z4n. problem over, make my own now. I use a C1000 with it too.
Can't find a sound, just take a walk around town for 1/2 an hour recording hundreds of different things. Chop it up in Wavelab, and presto! Whole smorgasboard of stuff that will last ages. :rolleyes:

To tell you the truth, I try not to use any samples at all but remain as original as possible... doesn't always work though without any good instruments to pluck through... but it sometimes takes a while to find anything some days. Others, its no time... don't know why... maybe I just have to find that rhythm or something. lol

tight track though

---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ----------

lemme hear ya
Quality over quantity straight up and down. Only sample shit u like... Its something that grows with age and experience. The more you dig the more you will find yourself sampling different stuff because your taste will evolve.

If I find myself on a roll when im digging, Ill throw the record on the "work list/to be sampled" pile. A pile of records that I make sure always exists. I've found that a big part of the art to me is all in your own perception. If the last beat you made was incredible to you, you feel like you have the world in your palm. But if you don't have any new records and you can't seem to find a sample to save your life, it can really do a number to your self worth. It's easy to start to question yourself. Thats why its important to always have something that can be worked on. Make sure your "to be sampled pile" always has SOMETHING in it. My safety net for samples if im absolutely failing at finding records or im broke as ****.... Vinyl rips. Or sometimes its fun to make beats out of samples you've already chopped up and made beats to. This also helps me with becoming stagnent while making a certain beat because I want to perfect the chop sequence. No need to find "the perfect" chop sequence if I know in the back of my mind im going to come back to these chops at some point and make new beats.

Always keep the workload filled.
i just started sampling, i've just been sampling alotta of alternative and classic rock right now so my searches haven't been too long, i have yet to sample traditional hip hop stuff though
To tell you the truth, I try not to use any samples at all but remain as original as possible... doesn't always work though without any good instruments to pluck through... but it sometimes takes a while to find anything some days. Others, its no time... don't know why... maybe I just have to find that rhythm or something. lol

tight track though

---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ----------

lemme hear ya

hard not to use drum samples tho.../? I consider myself a 'purist' and would never use a synth/bass loop. But how to find a cracking snare in your home studio?> decisions decisions...
I've become accustomed to finding samples now.

I listen to so many type os music that when I hear something i like the sound of i instantly note it down in my 'to sample' list!
I've been in so many musical circles in my time it's not even funny. Country, hardcore punk, metal, rap, indie, jazz, electronic, blues, it's not hard for me to find samples at all. I've turned an Iron And Wine sample into a trap song before lol
Same, was digging the other day and found a sample in like 2 minutes, now I've been digging for days.
What do you mean by material? like sounds to create a beat with? Samples? well, im not a big sample user, but i find good sounds the same day i decide to make a beat. sometimes if i think it needs more work i will start a new beat and come back to it later. sometimes you have to let it leave your mind, come back to it, hear it, and you will find whats needed. :)

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