I wanna hear some acoustic trap lol...


New member
I wanna hear a beat that was made with acoustic instruments

no processed or synthesized sounds.

Itll probabbly sound pretty funny and off but i just wanna see.... haha
looks like everyone is just posting acoustic covers of rap songs period.
from my understanding, the op wanted acoustic trap music.
Lol i wasnt looking for these acoustic covers...... imagine all those hi hat rolls and that signature crunchy sounding clap snare thats in all trap songs lately... and those synths and leads......... imagine all those replaced by acoustic instruments, like a ghetto orchestra
I know this isn't trap but if anyone could have pulled the sound off it would have been this guy.

The great late Buddy Rich

I tried making a trap beat and then replace all the percussion trap instruments with live recorded instrument.

Didn't sound that good.
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I wanna hear a beat that was made with acoustic instruments

no processed or synthesized sounds.

You do realize that the instruments in trap music, and the beats, make up the genre called trap? Taking away the instruments is also taking away the genre... It'll probably just be Gangsta Rap then...