Humbleness and Humility is key in music production, so I'd go by the last one over anything.
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That's was great I loved every bit of it. I'm a newbie with lots of question and I feel the only stupid question is a question that wasn't asked.
There are forums where "violating" such "commandments" results in a warning from the moderators ... repeated violations results in your account being placed in "read only" mode.

Frankly - IMHO - something like these commandments ought to be part of the terms-of-service of FP, as they are in many other technology or skill oriented forum. Violating the terms-of-service is something which should be heaviliy moderated in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of this forum.

As someone who is extremely amateur as a producer, on a budget with few avenues to get good and proper advice,I personally cherish how this forum is run. I think the site's name "Future Producers" makes that pretty clear. Maybe you are looking for a site that might be named "Current" or "Experienced" Producers...
Personally what did the trick for me was: "The race goes not to the SWIFT, nor to the STRONG, but to he that ENDURETH FOREVER!" \m/