GAY hip hop artist EXPOSED!!!

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you and you video clips lol
I'm just saying?
When I was in the Army, there were two dudes in our building that we KNEW were gay. They used to wear spandex and cut off yellow t-shirts and everything.

When one of them would come into the shower area, the whole shower area emptied out in a matter of seconds, lol.

I didn't care if I had only washed under one armpit, if one of 'em showed up... I was out.

They would come in and try to take extra long showers and try to hold conversations with people while they were in the shower. Like if you were in there, they'd say "Good Morning! how's it going?"... people used to break their phuggin' necks trying to get out of the showers, lol. Mf's would be slipping and sliding and ish.

One of my friends had to room with one of 'em one time and he said the dude had a gay magazine under his mattress. He never slept in the room, lol he would crash in peoples rooms that didn't have a roommate.

Since I was a top notch soldier, I got my own room the first day I showed up. They gave me the room of this dude that had been put in jail... for drinking a beer. We all drank beer and we were all under age but right before I got there this sergeant showed up after work hours to phuck with the soldiers because he didn't have shyt else to do... he caught the dudes drinking beer and made them pull out their ID's. One of 'em was 20 and they asked the Sergeant what he wanted to do to the young soldier.... he could've said "Put him on extra duty" but instead he said "Send his ass to jail". So I got his room and none of the dudes their liked me for it and I couldn't figure out what was going on,lol. After they got to know me, everything became cool. When the dude got out of jail - after about a week - me and him became cool too.

That's my story o da day.
I'm done GOODAY!
soooooo, what is the video about?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
i question everybodys sexuality in this vid and the one recording it, seriously, wtf...and this isnt the first time i heard about cease being gay, if i recall correctly, but dancing around like a little fruit showin off his dong to chicks who didnt look interested at all, lol, and other dudes in the room, makes me wonder who that dance was meant for
It got gay the moment he walked into a room where dudes are with only a towel on.

.... it was gay way before the dancing.

and those girls looked like roadkill. If you can't excite those stragglers, you have problems.

There are several unwritten man-code laws and he just broke one of them. I don't even go into sauna's at the gym because of that unwritten man-code law. It's in your DNA, you don't have to ask anybody what it is.
I try to refrain from posting in threads like this, but just a few observations.

1. Cease was stripping to get action poppin with the chicks it that room.
2. If you even have had local success in music, hell, even if you got some mouthgame and enjoy women's company, you've most likely been in a cituation where you had a few chicks in a room and had to get naked in front of others to get with a chick.
3. Since when is being naked in front of dudes gay? You ever played sports? P.E.? Guess you didn't wash your azz afterwards, anyone who wants to smell good for the chicks did.
4. French will tell you that footage is old, him and Cease have no beef, someone submitted it to play Cease like there was more to it, but it was just him dancing in front of some chicks to get a situation poppin, dudes happened to be playing the background when they shoulda been up in a chix face as well.
5. There's 2 sides to every story, I've met Maino and know Cease. 100% fact. Cease has knocked a few dudes out, he don't run around acting like he some kinda gangster, he just him. From what I've seen, Maino has more of that "image to uphold' to the point where a story may be exaggerated on his end. I don't see Cease being scared of nobody, that niggas a 300lbs. midget, lol. All muscle. Been fighting his entire life. Been thru shootouts, stabbed folk. That's not to say I was there to confirm he wasn't scared of Maino, just sayin'.

EDIT: I've never seen the vid, worked with Cocaine City a little in the past, so I'm familiar with the situation. Rome's a wise dude, I just seen his post above mine. Makes me wonder If I need to watch the clip...but I'm not gonna watch it. This post is only based on what I've heard from people involved mouths. I don't want to see no funny sh*t, I'll just take their word it wasn't.

Still tramatized from seeing Game with dyed blond hair and a tongue ring calling himself "thug passion" while sliding down a pole in a G-String. Maybe someday you guys will have the chance to see that. I(don't wanna put no one else's name in it) went to war for the tape. Game won.
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there was no point, that looked like one of the most boring ass parties ive ever seen, with some ugly ass hoes who didnt seem the least interested, why even bother tryin to get **** poppin when its like that
Gym class, Gym showers and all of that are conditional, you have nowhere else to wash your ass.

Dangling your shyt out in front of dudes on your own free will... is some ish I'd rather any dude not feel MAN enough to do in front of me.

Who needs to strip to get it poppin' with some females? That's some new NY ish or something. Me and my friends never had to do that ish. Most dudes can get the females to strip... at least from all of my experiences.

Dancin' azzhole naked in front of dudes ain't Whoa...

No argument here though, lol. That's how he and his crew roll then let 'em do their thang.
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I'll post this too though...

I don't care whether Cease is gay or not, lol. I lose no sleep.

Hittin' up the Ledisi show tonight for dinner with the misses and some good music. I'm going to have a great day, no matter what... unless the food is phucked up.

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you guys act like homos run around hittin on every man in sight what are you affraid of?cant you say "no thanks"

ive been places when dudes are naked....i dont give a ****

ive seen homies do **** they thought was funny like whip theyre dicks out and slap it against the window of a chicks car...again i dont give a ****

really who cares its just a dick we all have one and me personally i find zero enjoyment in another mans penis

unless you find something arousing about a dick and your lying to yourself a normal adult man should find no threat in another dudes sexuality or weird behavior
ive seen homies do **** they thought was funny like whip theyre dicks out and slap it against the window of a chicks car...again i dont give a ****

Dyckwatcher Alert !

You shouldn't have been looking at your homies dyck...

Now you have his balls etched into your memory...

It's not that serious dude, we're just talking about a vid on WSHH, do you think anybody really cares? I've worked with gay people before, no big deal.

Gettin' all emotional over a thread full of mf's talking ish...

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your right it aint that serious and im not gettin emotional i just wonder how some dudes act like theyre g'ed up but cant stomach the site of a dick

edit.......yeah im a dick watcher how did you figure it out???!!!! your my lil cupcake soldierboy cmon over to cali and lets hang out
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your right it aint that serious and im not gettin emotional i just wonder how some dudes act like theyre g'ed up but cant stomach the site of a dick

I watch porn, I can't avoid it but I don't focus on that part though.... but it's on the screen...

This guy explains it best - Damon Wayans son... go to 2:40

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