Difference Between Hating and Telling The Truth???

hating isn't the jealousy of another's success,it is the hatred of one's own failure!!
the hate card is pulled too easily. The republicans hate on The President, regardless of what he's doing. They are against it. Thats your definition of a hater.

RIGHT, they are jealous of his power. THEY want to be in control.

But they AREN'T so they HATE.

Serves em right stupid muthafukcas...
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People need to be honest with themselves. All of us have been jealous at one point or another. You'd be lying if you said not once in life you talked about somebody while they weren't there and it wasn't in a positive manner. I know I've been talked about but it isn't the end of the world. I know there are times where somebody felt a certain way about me or something I did and didn't know how to express it to me so they've told somebody.
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^^^When I was 12 I was jealous of Kriss Kross. I hated on them hard. I wished I had blown up like them and thought I was a way better musician. Ironically, Cris Kelly is one of the realest dudes who you could meet who's had his caliber of success. Still humble as sh*t.

As a grown man, I don't understand how one can ever be jealous of another's success. If anything, be inspired by it. That doesn't mean you can't ginuinely dislike something of one's character. I've got bad to say about alot of people who are looked at as "more successful" than myself, but being that i wouldn't trade shoes with them if I had the chance, or even bank accts for burdens...I take it that I simply dislike them, their ways, actions, or music. I'd feel the same way about them if they weren't on a TV screen.
^^^When I was 12 I was jealous of Kriss Kross. I hated on them hard. I wished I had blown up like them and thought I was a way better musician. Ironically, Cris Kelly is one of the realest dudes who you could meet who's had his caliber of success. Still humble as sh*t.

As a grown man, I don't understand how one can ever be jealous of another's success. If anything, be inspired by it. That doesn't mean you can't ginuinely dislike something of one's character. I've got bad to say about alot of people who are looked at as "more successful" than myself, but being that i wouldn't trade shoes with them if I had the chance, or even bank accts for burdens...I take it that I simply dislike them, their ways, actions, or music. I'd feel the same way about them if they weren't on a TV screen.

True indeed... as you get older you grow out of it. Some people never do. The problem is now too many people have a gavel in their hand. " You're a hater! " Quick to judge but when they don't like something the're not a " hater " they're just " honest " or " keeping it real. "
^^^Thinking back to being a kid, I was an uber-hater. I'd like a chick but be scared to talk to her, so when one of my friends did, I'd throw salt!!!!, lol. I'd get mad when other kids had toys or clothes I didn't have. I guess it is in a child's nature to hate. Funny that you made me think back to that.

Now I get called a hater for talking about kids in skinny jeans. I wouldn't wear those sh*t's if someone gave me a pair worth a few thousand, lol. Big difference.
^^^Thinking back to being a kid, I was an uber-hater. I'd like a chick but be scared to talk to her, so when one of my friends did, I'd throw salt!!!!, lol. I'd get mad when other kids had toys or clothes I didn't have. I guess it is in a child's nature to hate. Funny that you made me think back to that.

Now I get called a hater for talking about kids in skinny jeans. I wouldn't wear those sh*t's if someone gave me a pair worth a few thousand, lol. Big difference.

LMAO.. aww man. When you see toddlers one of the first things they learn how to say is " mine ", " me ", or " gimme ". Then when they don't get it they throw themselves on the floor... roll around and cry. It's just human nature to want things.