Benefits of sampling vinyls?


New member
I always liked the idea of sampling off of vinyls, but is it better (or worse) than just sampling from mp3 or wav files?

*I'm soon to be purchasing Maschine and will be using that for producing if that makes a difference.
IMO I like sampling from vinyl a lot. Although having a lot of crackle on a sample sounds lame IMO. I like my samples to sound clean even if they are from vinyl. Other than that IMO its a case by case basis. If you are sampling a piece of a song IMO vinyl is better. If you are looking for drum samples, mp3's in general will sound cleaner. Although personally I have gotten some break beat records and sampled from them and loved the results. P.S. sorry for all the IMO's
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I def prefer Vinyl. You get a much warmer sound and I like the gritty sound from really old records. The whole experience of goin' diggin' is also one of the highs for me. There are also alot of records out there, that you can't find on the internet.
The whole experience of goin' diggin' is also one of the highs for me.
This + finding a dope sample from a newly bought record are the main reasons I don't sample digital music. To me, digging makes the creative process much more interesting. You may also eventually end up being a connoisseur of music with a decent record collection which isn't too bad imo.
You get access to much more rarer samples than what online digger can find
The only thing's that stopping me from purchasing records and sampling from them is the fact that there are no record shops in my country that sell Spanish records from the 70's and 80's or just in general rare stuff
Hopefully if I go to college in a different country I'll be able to start my little record collection and start finding some gems
Not everybody has digs for vinyl, most of the time, they research online to find some. But the thing is that not ALL vinyl are online and its hard to search for one. Making it unique for other people to listen to something that they never heard before.
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I don't do much sampling anymore but vinyl is the way to go. Its the sound and the happy accidents that is hard to beat with mp3/wav.
The feel of diggin' makes the whole vinyl experience dope!

There are songs you'll find on mp3 that you won't find on vinyl and vice versa. Do whatever you prefer and enjoy what you're doing!
Personally I don't care to much about the difference in sound quality, I just like to go digging and listen to what I bought on my record player.
I do sample mp3's and all that too, when I'm just being lazy, or I really want a particular sample.
I never sample from mp3. The quality is lower already. Vinyl just has a raw sound that suites some genres like dnb or hip hop.
I never sample from mp3. The quality is lower already. Vinyl just has a raw sound that suites some genres like dnb or hip hop.

But if you add effects its hardly noticeable if the sample is a mp3 or a high quality viynl rip. Depends the sound you're going for.
There's really no argument here, Obviously Vinyl's sound better and the older you get and the better your ears get, the more apparent this will become, i only ever sample mp3 if i desperately need to as the quality is terrible.
That being said, sampling from mp3 can give a really unique sound and in done very often in more underground music, such as grime.
There's a reason vinyls are still huge and that's because the quality is truly better, vinyls deliver a rich yet warm sound, very easy on the ears.
IMO the clicking from vinyls can often give a track alot of character.
PS. Mp3 is a lossy compressed audio format, you will certainly lose warmth from the sub-sonic region as well as alot of harmonic content from 10k-20k. just don't do it :|
I prefer vinyl over MP3. I started sampling mp3's in my early beatmaking years. Altough i already collected vinyls back then, but mostly hiphop records. Now I exclusively sample from records. It feels "real" haha, but i also get more creative and the sound is warmer.

As long as you don't live in the woods, you will always be able to find records. In dedicated vinylshops, thrift shop/second hand, yard sells. It's a sport.
I do both, I perfer vinyl based but sometimes the mp3 route is the only way you can get out your idea so for that I trade off but man nothing beats putting on a record and hear the pops and cracks of bottled gold from the past in which vinyls hold.
I personally like to sample from vinyl just because I'm the kind of person who can remember things visually, so with vinyl, I can remember a album cover easier than say, a mp3 file or similar, but to each their own.
I must put my opinion onto this topic. I would definately recommend sampling vinyls and e-digging. With sampling vinyl records, you have to be careful of everything in your setup. You gotta have a great turntable, a good needle/cartridge, a usb phono preamp or mixer that you can hook it up to your pc. If you get yourself one of those cheap usb turntables, they have shitty built in preamps , so the sonic quality will be neglected. It's a whole system that must be in place, to get the most out of your vinyl. Also with vinyl you gotta be aware that some records might be in poor quality from over use, and might have the grooves worn out. So it would be the best to get good vinyl records, if your looking for high quality.

With e-digging, nowadays you can get excellent quality files available online that you wouldnt be able to find on vinyl , thanks to the location you live in. Especially with youtube people all around the world are uploaidng there vinyl record collections ,and with 1080p quality you could rip it straight off youtube into a high quality WAV file. Also you can also find alot of FLAC files of specific artist lp's from the vintage era, if you look on the net. I highly recommend you dont sample mp3's since there a pretty low audio quality, especially for music production.
i like vinyl because for some reason i have more attention span listening to records. with digital i tend to listen to a song very briefly (like under 30 seconds) then on to the next song, with vinyl i listen to at least a whole side of the record the first time, if i can't stand anything on that side i put it with my shitty records to be given away. if there's at least something that catches my ear i'll listen to the whole thing. all around i have more fun listening to records.

also i like the way they sound.

---------- Post added at 05:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 PM ----------

but like dude above me said, if you have a real garbage turntable you might as well use mp3s, they'll sound better than, for example, records on a numark pt01.