anyone get into harmonics?

"do you honestly think i was arguing against you? how do you figure?"

sorry argue was the wrong word and i didnt mean it the way you have taken it, please dont be defensive or take me as defensive. i was meaning how you said that " I don't really see the point of bringing in all the QP stuff and all that, its a really simple concept."

and yes i take it that i havnt explanid what i have ment properly for you to understand what i mean.

"you are so sure that we are writing you off and that we have such a closed view of this, and that you alone are enlightened and we fail to see "the light", but seriously, you aren't making an extremely clear,"

sorry to sound the way i have i am not trying to preach here that i have seen the light or whatever, and yes i will say it again i understand how it is so far unclear, i have yet got my dad to get his stuff together to do the post which will explain it all in clear, this is where i can go over his research and fill in alot off blanks i have left here. well 1 i cant preach because many times i have said this i am only a student here, and i feel after writing that alot of people have come into the disscussion as teachers but that aside, i dont think anyone has researched or looked into this the way my father or i have, and was hopeing this disscussion would find other people that have either looked at it this way or people that can mention other people that have looked it at this way.

"And its slightly condescending to assume you know better and that "its not known to (me)". I'll go by the four years of study at NYU, jobs i've had with people like Luke Chadabe (if you don't know then I'm not the one who needs enlightening) and the engineers at Electric Lady Studios (jimi hendrix's studio). you may be 100% right, you just aren't articulating what you are talking about very well."

good to see you have some experince in the feild of music. but the whole i know more than you and you know more than me thing please not needed as everyone will know more than another in little side subjects to large subjects, im really not trying to say i know everything, if i did i wouldnt be here wanting to talk and think of these things.
but you might be right in saying i need education as i do not know who Luke Chadabe but i do know who Alan zavod is as he has been to my house a few times and also as a kid i have met him at studios with my dad as my dad has done alot of work with him google search if you havnt heard of him but with your knowledge im shure you would have.
i tried a google search for Luke Chadabe but found nothing on the first 2 pages so gave up.
but back to what the post is about.

"as far as application of the harmonic series to acoustics...,
as said above waiting for my father to get his papers together he will also help with explaining it better, his english is well above mine, you shouldnt find it hard to understand. but yes the higher harmonics cant be heard by our ears as we drop out before 20k.

"As far as the "2 notes creating a 3rd" or whatever it was...

In acoustic terms, say you have a bass guitar note. its all big and fat and tasty and deep. Then you play it on a crappy car stereo that can't hit a low bass note to save its life. You still hear what note its playing right? Even though its nowhere near hitting, say, a 35Htz note. You don't just hear silence when it goes and hits a low note. You are hearing the upper harmonics of that note, and because of the relationship (mathematically) to each other, your brain can fill in the missing fundamental isn't actually there, you are not hearing it, its not "created" but your brain can interpret what the missing frequency is and give you the impression of that note"

ok sorry before was a short answer.
what you are talking about here is not a missing fundamental, the fundamental was allways there in what you have described. what im talking about is what has been called in quantum phisics as the missing fundamnetal.
take a guitar and move above the 12 freet lets say use the B at the 12 freet on the B string and the and the A on the 14th freet on the G string hit the 2 notes together now hit them together again but this time slowly bend up the g string very slowly and keep control, can you hear the bass note comeing from nowhere, this bass note was not created from an original bass note than put on a stereo with speakers that wont pick up its freaquancy range but has been created from 2 notes higher up the octaves, and as you bend up the bass note bends down and vice versa. I know what your talking about with your brain being able to create the fundamental note from harmonics of the original fundamental note. but i am talking about a bass note thats been created, and not being there to begin with as you suggest with the car stereo analogy.
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yea sorry man, not tryin to give you a hard time :) i really think everyone is trying to get what you are saying, really. I'm not writing you off at all or saying i know more.

I know what you are saying with the guitar bending notes. i've noticed this as well, as the bent note gets closer to the unbent one, you hear another lower frequency (that is the "beats" from the two slightly out of tune notes). The frequency of this is the difference between the two other notes. So if you have one note at 800Hz and another at 820Hz, you will hear a 20Hz pulsating tone. The cool part about it is that if they are one Hz apart, you can still hear the pulsation, it is not actually a tone, but it is an amplitude modulation at that frequency (as a result of the interference/reinforcement of these two notes). So you can get the impression of extremely low notes.

however, this can even work with pure sine waves (waves with NO harmonics whatsoever) so i am having difficulty seeing what the connection is to the harmonic series. Maybe this isn't even what you are talking about. But that's what i am gathering.

possibly my car stereo analogy wasn't the best. but the fact is, if you completely REMOVE 100% of the fundamental frequency of say, a guitar note, your brain can still identify what "note" it is because of the harmoc series. that's all i meant. because of the relationship of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc harmonics, your brain can still interpret the fundamental frequency, although your ear is not hearing it and it actually is not there. that's what the point of the whole car stereo thing was, hope that's clearer now :)

HAH i just noticed this too heheh. you might not have found anythng on "luke chadabe" cuz that's not his it was a few years ago, and i've been listening to a lot of "luke CHABLE lately".....wasn't thinking straight on that one heheh :) shows how much i really know eh? :)

anyway, this guys name was JOEL chadabe. he has a book called "Electric Sound" that is amazing. He's done a LOT for electronic music and is probably the most intelligent and knowledgeable man i've ever met. I'm sure you'll be able to find something about him. If not, check out that book, its great!
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some of it i do not follow but overtones i know, sort of...

on the saxaphone an instrument with two and a half octaves using harmonic overtones its possible to get four octaves..

great thread!!
"possibly my car stereo analogy wasn't the best. but the fact is, if you completely REMOVE 100% of the fundamental frequency of say, a guitar note, your brain can still identify what "note" it is because of the harmoc series. that's all i meant. because of the relationship of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc harmonics, your brain can still interpret the fundamental frequency, although your ear is not hearing it and it actually is not there. that's what the point of the whole car stereo thing was, hope that's clearer now"

yeah what you said here is correct, if record something like a bass sound then lay it on a stereo with out them frequancy your brain fills in the rest, yeah i know this and its correct 100% but, not im talking about exactly cause the fundamental bass note was never struck to begin with.

"I know what you are saying with the guitar bending notes. i've noticed this as well, as the bent note gets closer to the unbent one, you hear another lower frequency (that is the "beats" from the two slightly out of tune notes)"

yeah what i first thought when i investigated what beats were then asked my dad what do you mean missing fundamental its beats, but he said nah its another thing and has yet to explain it to me, pretty much left me with only the missing fundamental, which is a QP experiment i understand these to a small extent, one reason for me asking if anyone els knew about it, to try and explain and disscuss ideas about it, my dad is to busy at times to explain things to me, so i will get one big lesson then two weeks later or even a month is when i can really sit down with him to ask about it in detail.

however, this can even work with pure sine waves (waves with NO harmonics whatsoever) so i am having difficulty seeing what the connection is to the harmonic series"

i was never putting the 2 together ( the overtone series and the missing fundamental), sorry , was meaning they were 2 different experiments not related but 2 things i was interested in. sorry to mix that up.
<put down|that crack>

dude talking about quantum physics is wildin on some straight talk. If you're serious about learning that, time to hit the math books, not your dad's "papers". Good explanation from the sane people though...but academic abstraction never produces good music.
infradead said:

some of it i do not follow but overtones i know, sort of...

on the saxaphone an instrument with two and a half octaves using harmonic overtones its possible to get four octaves..

great thread!!

I think ur confusing overtones with doubling at the octave (which the saxophone as well as other woodwind instruments do. This isn't the same as overtones.

Overtones are just 'additions' to the fundemental frequency that make up the TONE character of an instrument.
Sooooo Tell us the news!
Like many other readers in this thread I am a bit skeptical in how Quantum Physics is going to make a change to how we make music..but I'd love to hear..

Bas Vellekoop
MSc Physics,
please please please... leave QP out of this... omg... what i read is outrageuous. im working on my thesis this year on physics and just read 26 replies on a topic that is about to make overtones QP... c'mon. How could ever possibly quantum physics apply to something which is 10,000,000,000,000,000 smaller times than particles on which QP is applied. and cars are not neutrons or electrons and so on therefore when cars crash nothing is produced but a wreck! when cars crash it is electromagnetic reaction between the particles cars are consisted of. The particles of the one car do not "touch" the particles of the other. [ehehe touch its particles] :p a bit of oversimplified but i want everyone to understand. Anyway i have to admit that the basic concept you are researching on is very interesting and i have researched on this as well but i just ended up producing some rules of thumb for practical use, which i think is he most productive way to get into it.
you guys are a bunch of nerds for real. i love y'all though. cant do withought the "think tank"
Harmonics can add soo much to a song. They work as a good filler. When played right, the possibilities are endless.
What a great site, what a great forum, what a great thread! Great to see so many people so knowledgeable about acoustics and music theory in the one place. It seems I've come to the right place.
I am a sarcastic bugger by nature, but I couldn't resist saying something - does anyone else see the gigantic irony of the original poster in this thread talking about "missing fundamentals"? I mean I thought I knew a little about harmonics and acoustics, perhaps a little about musical theory too. Heh. I certainly don't know anything much about Quantum Physics, but the whole thread to me has an air of "chasing windmills" about it. Was it a joke / troll?
Anyway.. I'm new in town. Nice to meet you all. Keep up the fountain of smart - who needs youth? ;)

P.S. - Mr "Missing Fundamental" - I'm genuinely fascinated in seeing your dad's research. I wrote this little catchy hook last week and I could swear there was a note missing. Buggered if I could find it. Perhaps it's time he made an entrance, hmm?
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itch said:
I wrote this little catchy hook last week and I could swear there was a note missing. Buggered if I could find it. Perhaps it's time he made an entrance, hmm?
do fundamental frequencies have harmonics below the fundamental frequency ??? if not in nature then as algorithms ??
the discussion here is that if two notes are played somewhere on the higher octaves then a lower frequency is heard as a result ..and this frequency is what is called the missing fundamental???
i'm not too sure but i thought that the fundamental frequency is the note that is struk...could this 'missing fundamental' be harmonics lower than the fundamental( the two notes being played )???

all the frequencies as notes are also harmonics of other notes..

i was wondering...this maybe a little off tangent but anyway...

sound is vibration ..especially in the lower frequencies.
when there is an earthquake and subsonic vibrations or sound waves are created which are probably below 20 hz... would the frequency be its fundamental frequency?? do we hear harmonics ,overtones of these vibrations as an audible sound with its harmonics spread over the audible frequency spectrum..
elephants use subsonic or infrasound to comunicate over vast distances why are the harmonics of these subsonic waves not audible to humans or other animals that only hear above 20 hz???

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>do fundamental frequencies have harmonics >below the fundamental frequency ??? if not in >nature then as algorithms ??
>the discussion here is that if two notes are played >somewhere on the higher octaves then a lower >frequency is heard as a result ..and this frequency >is what is called the missing fundamental???
>i'm not too sure but i thought that the >fundamental frequency is the note that is >struk...could this 'missing fundamental' be >harmonics lower than the fundamental( the two >notes being played )???

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this kind of getting into metaphysical territory? Because as I understand it, a "fundamental" is not a constant or a tangible thing in any physical form, just like when we're talking about anything in sound. Rather a fundamental is a definition for an abstract concept - that of an incidental pitch/sound that may or may not produce harmonics or partials/overtones. An object slams into a steel pipe and produces vibrations in air pressure (sound) that occur, for arguments sake, mostly around a frequency of 220hz. There may be partials or harmonics created from this 'fundamental' frequency, but the important thing is that if the "harmonics" only existed, they are not harmonics. By definition they are then fundamentals, no? The only way I can concieve of a "missing fundamental" is indeed, something metaphysical, something sliding into theoretical physics territory (and I know absolutely zero about theoretical physics, so apologies to its students currently witnessing me making a mockery of their science by throwing labels around for the sake of my pondering)
"If you hear a tree falling in a forest, but you never saw it fall, did the tree actually fall in a paralell universe or dimension and cause the sound to happen here, all the while nobody in the other universe heard it fall?"
Is this a "missing fundamental"? If it is that's all well and good, but I don't understand how you can make music from sounds that don't exist in a dimension we are privy to.

>sound is vibration ..especially in the lower >frequencies.

Sound is only vibration. And reflection of vibrations, and interactions of vibrations and reflected vibrations.

>when there is an earthquake and subsonic >vibrations or sound waves are created which are >probably below 20 hz... would the frequency be >its fundamental frequency??

Sure, why not? Me and a colleague call sounds in this range a "two hundred foot jesus". Based on the fact when a client brings in some audio/music which for all intents and purposes sounds like silence at one point, meanwhile the VU meters are flying high - it indicates that there's some seriously huge sub action going on at a fundamental that is inaudible to the human ear (and incapable of being accurately reproduced by 1500$ studio monitors). The culprit is shortly identified on screen by sight, and when we calculate that it has a wavelength of something like 200 feet, the only response one can give is "JESUS!"...

>do we hear >harmonics ,overtones of these vibrations as an >audible sound with its harmonics spread over the >audible frequency spectrum..

Absolutely. That's what Waves MaxxBass is all about. Taking a 200 foot jesus and turning it into something that humans can "understand" / percieve. But important to remember that waves happening at that length are incapable of producing harmonics at an amplitude that is easily perceived by our ears. More often than not rather than "hearing" something at 20hz you're more likely to feel it in your bones.

>elephants use subsonic or infrasound to >comunicate over vast distances why are the >harmonics of these subsonic waves not audible to >humans or other animals that only hear above 20 >hz???

See above.. Correct me if I'm wrong (please, anyone).. But as I understand it, as the frequency of a sound's component harmonics increases, amplitude decreases. The relationship between these two factors is what makes up a sound's timbre.

Where the hell quantum physics comes into any of this is beyond me. Maybe if we hurry up and build a quantum computer, it will find the answer for us. ;)
ok nice to see a continued intrest in this. looks like the missing fundamental is the talk of the 2 experiments so thats what i shall move with first.

"cars are not neutrons or electrons and so on therefore when cars crash nothing is produced but a wreck! when cars crash it is electromagnetic reaction between the particles cars are consisted of. The particles of the one car do not "touch" the particles of the other. [ehehe touch its particles] a bit of oversimplified but i want everyone to understand."

ok, now that is true when were talking macro. but im shure you understand that QP is micro.

the car thing i used was a metaphor
here it is again as a quote taken from Gary Zukavs book The dancing Wu Li masters ( an overview of the new physics )
"It is as if we smash two toy automobiles together and insted of shattering into bits and peices, they come appart into more toy automobiles, some of which are as large as the originals."

im sorry if i did not say or put forth to everyone that this was a metaphor.

quickly my understanding and reasoning for calling this the missing fundamental inside music.
We all know a fundamental note to be the lowest frequncey note audible. The 2 notes of a higher pitch created the 3rd note which was lower in pitch. The 3rd note was never struck so it was the missing note, and because it was lower in pitch then the original 2 notes it becomes our fundamental.

ok before i move on.
i will be trying to keep the size of my posts down, and also trying hard to find the right words to be used that will make it easier for people to understand.
and i will use more quotes for people then to go and refer to.

" Where the hell quantum physics comes into any of this is beyond me. Maybe if we hurry up and build a quantum computer, it will find the answer for us"

before moving further into explanations of the missing fundamental i would like to bring up 1 point and explain one thing that it looks alot of people are having trouble understanding.
what does quantum physics have to do with music.
Physics can be said to be the explanation of what is happening around us in the macro.
example: why does something drop to the ground when i let it go in mid air? now physics is the questioning and answering of this.
Now quantum physics looks at things in the micro where things are happening as much as they are in the macro, it is just that we can only see the macro world with our eyes, and we need different tools and instruments to be able to see things in the micro.
and one of the hardest things for a human to understand is things he cant see with his eyes.
i like to use music as a tool to be able to see things and hear things in the macro world to try and understand what is going on in the micro world. it becomes a scale down version of everything. like a model aeroplane is a smaller version of the real but it is to a scale. so of course physics and quantum physics will be inside music because they will become our tools to question and answer what is happening and how quantum physics works with music will become more evident in further posts to come.

if anyone can get there hands on this book MUSIC OF THE SPHERES (the material universe-from atom to quasar, simply explained ) written by Guy Murchie
In chapter 11 "of waves and music" which is a real inside look at how QP and music relate to each other, there is 2 diagrams on page 408 and 409 one of a drum and the other of the hydrogen atom.
and any TOOL fans out there might start to see where tool have gotten some of there patterns in there booklets if you have been to a tool concert the patterns on the big screens, have all been around as the whole time.

as i have said before i am only a student and it is good to see alot of teachers on this site showing there knowledge, but i am still scratching my head as to why i should pick up a maths book to learn Quantum Physics. ;)
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This is extremely frustrating.

What the heck does any of this have to do with composition? I can make a painting on a canvas with imaginary ink, and in some paralell universe that painting might actually exist (because in my mind, it does exist, so by argument it does exist somewhere), but for the here and now, in this universe, it's still a blank canvas.

Houseofthesun, what -exactly- are you trying to say? I have seen enough to suggest it's not really important, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt, and would genuinely like to know what the heck it is you're on about - whether we're talking about music here, or philosophy and metaphysics.

If you are talking about music, tell me exactly how this knowledge is applied to composition. Given your incredible insight to these phantom fundamentals, how would your music writing improve or be affected? Sum up your point in one paragraph or less.

There's a challenge...

P.S. - TOOL? This is a joke, right? A troll?
"This is extremely frustrating."

which part? im sorry but there does have to be some basic knowledge of QP ( which is all i have ) to begin to get your head around it all.

"Houseofthesun, what -exactly- are you trying to say? I have seen enough to suggest it's not really important,"

im trying to say that there is more to things than meets the eye. i am trying to look for things in different places and was hopeing other people were doing the same thing which i have found the answer no well no one on this site.... yet. music can be a universal language to explain things that happen around us in the micro world.

and for important, what is it that your holding as important, to see there to be no importance in what i say? you may have seen enough but your words do say you dont understand this enough.
i would really like to keep this pedantic crap out of this.

please have some patience itch, can i please explain some theorys first, i myself am still trying to find out different ways that this can help write music. if we look at something from another angle then our ideas change.

if you dont know, but a recording studio will spend alot of money to stop standing waves. it is so they can take everything back to zero. now what i see, yes has been done before, where take the sydney opera house it was designed the way it was for a reason, to play with these standing waves, and this is close to where i want to be moving to. there is a cave in the mediterranean that cuts out the freaquancy of wemons voices.
which shows that one thing has not changed from thousands of years wemon can be nags. ( now that was a joke )

look just get the book MUSIC OF THE SPHERES volume 2 go read chpter 11. if you are really interested in understanding any of this.

"TOOL? This is a joke, right? A troll?"

yes this is the greatest joke man has ever seen. you do know the band tool.
have you seen the 2 intwined circles, it also has the flames, now take out the flames then if you can get the chance have a look at the vibration anaolgy of an atom you may then understand what im am saying. also i know alot of tools stuff is taken from religions from around the world, and these symbles are in these religions. the book THE MYTH OF INVARIANCE written by Ernest G. McClain with this in mind can be very interesting.

"If you are talking about music, tell me exactly how this knowledge is applied to composition. Given your incredible insight to these phantom fundamentals, how would your music writing improve or be affected? Sum up your point in one paragraph or less."

Ok here is an attempt.
As Dj funkalize said in an earlier post ( with the overtone series) this is how we found our tuning systems, and finding the different intervals, so my point maybe that if we try to look further into this or at it on other levels we may be able to see more and create more things inside music. our different tuning systems have alot to do with composition so of course i felt that alot of these theorys could be used in composition when understood better.
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houseofthesun u know...i understand what u are trying to say here...the micro exists within the obviously any phenomenon that occurs in macro physics also exists in micro physics(qp)...and maybe the example u gave about cars crashing and coming out as new or hittig a pool ball into one pocket and it comes out from the other pocket at the other end of the table and stuff like that...maybe this is all very normal in macro physics at the universe black holes...
i think its just that on earth humans have begun to percieve the world in a very fixed way.. in the form of physics or biology....
we came up with these sciences...they need not be the truth at all...

sound and music its all about frequencies and vibrations and math,thebrain,perception....
feeling ,emotion...
its a part of science,philosophy,psychology,spirituality....almost every science...
i'm sure it includes atoms and molecules and stuff like that as well...
there must be alot going on at that level that we cant see...
i also think that if humans met aliens then math especially in the form of music would be the most basic language to communicate with them...(i watch alot of movies)..
so its interesting what u are trying to find out...

so what can one do with these missing fundamentals u speak of???
apart from this missing fundamental what else includes music under qp(or the other way around)??

i guess qp is a very vast and unknown field as yet...i think maybe in the future when people explore it more there would be hundreds of new fields that open even medecine could go down to the atomic level..we could probably heal things like cancers on the atomic from anti matter.. that sort of thing..

so i guess any research on that topic is great...especially music...

well good luck..

see u..
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"i also think that if humans met aliens then math especially in the form of music would be the most basic language to communicate with them"

very interesting point, never thought of that, i like it.

"so what can one do with these missing fundamentals u speak of???"

well one thing i came across was. i was jaming with a friend she was on the flute and i was on the guitar and at one point she hit a note and i hit a note and what felt from out of nowhere the third bass note i speak of appeard. it blew me away for the fact that this bass note felt like it was sitting only in one place, and if you know anything about bass, bass just moves all around a room. we created the missing fundamental from playing 2 seperate instruments but this missing fundamental also felt phisical in some sense. now i feel if i can then learn what i actually did i can create music that can only be heard in a certain part of the room or open up something that right now can not be explained and further things i have not yet thought up. then later reading a book the infinty concerto written by Greg Bear some of the things that happen i feel in some way could be become reality. ( its a si fi book with very interesting concepts taken from an indo language )but these ideas still to me i feel are just a pinch of what im trying to get at and what i still dont understand yet.

"apart from this missing fundamental what else includes music in qp??"

the overtone series, which its ratios match the same of the hydrogen atom and i guess further studies will then include more, on a whole level i also feel that music could be the unversal language for the answers of understanding some of these things which is more just science and physics than composition.

"i think its just that on earth humans have begun to percieve the world in a very fixed way.."

i was just reading some stuff before seeing this post that reflected this.
that the human allways puts himself as 1 in the ratio, and we have the problem to use ourself as the first refernce point.
which i can understand but feel we should not hold all of our theroys with it. here is what i was reading taken from music of the spheres
" But Einstein, pushing his hungry baby through the streets of bern, could not afford to limit himself to common sense or even the earthly view. when a man explores aush abstrations as space, time and the speed of light, it would hardly seem appropriate for him to confine his thoughts to any single star or planet. Besides, the very word fantastic in such a context could well be expected to unfurl a new deminsion in its own meaning.
So Einstein let his thoughts soar freely into both space and time, disciplined only by the most universal and abstract logic. ELephants were no longer "large" to him. Ants no longer "small". fo rthat would be looking at them through provincial human eyes, as if a mere man had the right to set an ABSOLUTE STANDARD OF SIZE. Insted, Einstein looked out of the sun and saw that elephants could be tinier than germs. And he looked out of the atom and saw that an ant could spread across the sky like the milky way! He taught himself that human words like long short tall small near far hot soft loud strong are all relative and therefore meaningless unless you assume some standard view point, WHICH NEED NOT BE A HUMAN VEIW POINT."
My opinion sugests that we live or spend to much time inside the ego. which itchy if you are into tool they also refer to alot.
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