Ableton to mini cassette player?


Konducta In Space
So I'm trying to see if I can take what i've recorded in ableton and more or less "burn" it to a cassette tape but all I have is this mini cassette player. Do I hook an aux cable up from my speakers to my little portable walkman cassette player. Press play on ableton, press record on the tape player and see if it records it onto cassette tape? Did I just explain to myself how to do this or is there another way to go about it? Everytime I try and google something, it tells me how to go from tape to digital which I already get.
I'm sorry, I'm don't know how to do it, but WOW man. You're going against the flow here! I thought cassete players/tapes were way dead by now. This should be interesting...
I figured it out. I had the right idea from the start just wasn't sure until I tried it. The idea was to put my beats on cassette to get that lo-fi sound, then transfer it back to my laptop from the cassette player to get that real tape hiss/hot sound. It was interesting and worked just like I thought. Some want that real clean sound. I think there's still room for real lo-fi, gritty, dusty loops though.
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Yeah, agreed. Lo-fi still has it's space in music. But, didn't you find any plugin that could do this? I'm really sorry about not helping at all, I just felt interested, since I'm 30yo, so I've lived in the cassete/VHS/floppy discs era!
I use a couple different effects in Live but the Hot tape boost and analog overload just don't cut it for me. Not realistic enough. I do use the Analog Warmth though a good bit. I try to keep everything pretty simple to a minimum. I don't have a whole bunch of plugins. Mainly just use what came with live and I sample from vinyl.
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That's just neat, man! Even though, I may not use those techniques, I must assume that you're one of a kind by doing things like that!
I'm probably just going to record straight to the cassette first though, then record off the cassette to Live, and get a better true tape sound. re-recording it onto the cassette from my DAW, then transferring it BACK to the DAW (Live) probably isn't producing the best possible result i'm looking for.

Need to go pickup one of these. Flying Lotus was using one in his studio as well. I'm sure he does the tape thing as well.



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I figured it out. I had the right idea from the start just wasn't sure until I tried it. The idea was to put my beats on cassette to get that lo-fi sound, then transfer it back to my laptop from the cassette player to get that real tape hiss/hot sound. It was interesting and worked just like I thought. Some want that real clean sound. I think there's still room for real lo-fi, gritty, dusty loops though.

Yeah i love the sound of tape. I use a old tascam on my top loops