A&H Zed 10 won't pan :(


New member
I use my Allen and Heath Z10 to split channels to left and right so I can two track my way through basic acoustic and vocals stuff with Reaper.
It's only a new console and it's been doing great till yesterday when I suddenly got bleed from hell from channels panned hard left into my Reaper channels taking only right channel.
The Meter (on the console) shows both left and right coming up equal (both for master out and when I PFL or "listen") no matter what I do (with the pan knobs) and headphones don't show any pan happening either.
All 4 channels of the Z10 have the same problem.
I've checked Reaper isn't the problem by using my Line 6 Pod HD as the input source to Reaper and muting one channel (of a stereo pair) at the pod. Reaper see's only the unmuted channel and all is well.
Anyone got any ideas?