The volume change at 26 seconds is pretty severe and the vocals are too low in the mix. I would try to find a better snare and hat sample both should be a bit snappier, neither of them really fit the song imo. I like the super saws and the lyrics. Good stuff man!
Hey thx for replying! So you mean the vocals are too low in the chorus or whole track ? Because its ment to be a lowcut vocal in the chorus
No problem man! Yeah the effect is fine but the vocals are too quiet in the mix for the whole track. They should be on top of the mix, I had to fight the song to hear the lyrics.
I agree a lot with what el3vator said. I turned my volume up in the beginning because I though you just had the track mixed really quite and then there was that sudden increase in volume it was really unpleasant. The vocals could use a little more volume in the track but I wasn't struggling to hear them. I agree with the snare sounding weak though, it sounds like a stock FL studio one or something. If you looked through some sample packs for a better snare with a more realistic sound it would make a huge difference, should be a little quieter overall too I think. 
Nice! Sounds a lot better. I'm still not a huge fan of the snare though. It stands out so much and not in a great way. It needs to be quieter or EQ'd a little so it's not as harsh. I think you should find a different snare sample though like one that's less tingy
Oh it's good overall! That's the only thing I can even recommend to improve now it sounds tight like the synths and everything you chose!
Ye.. thing is ive had mixed opinions bout the style cuz its very unusual to mix that dark trap 21 savage kinda stuff with a fast dance synth style of music
Sounds better man, I like the edm trap mix btw. Next I would focus on riding the volume automation for the vocals so the quiet parts are the same volume as the loud parts.
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Thx both of u! But im making music like 1 year and a half now and im just experiencing me and what music i wanna do so its fun and the good thing is u never stagnate. Youre learning exponential the whole time. Like everything is based on another thing u didnt know bout
Mad! Glad to see you post again. I'm loving your shit man. Not really any criticism of the remix, I just don't like the original vocal and track so it's hard for me to appreciate the remix. That being said, the saws are type in the drop, and the chord stabs in the break are mixed just right. Great job!

[F4F] VIP Mix for Spotify EP