Fire sample for you Sample-jackers

You lames come in here and barely flip. Bring it. I made my flip straight-up dirty and raw, none of that processed BS. What you got?


You lames come in here and barely flip. Bring it. I made my flip straight-up dirty and raw, none of that processed BS. What you got?

haha i like your smack talk to get some flips. why didnt you get on the battle 48? i always dig your flips, but wish you brought the drums a bit harder and punchier on this one. ill try and get on it when i get back to my maschine.
I wanted to get in on the battle, but I've been busy working on a batch of other beats. For this sample, I actually didn't want to use drums. More soulful/gritty Westside Gunn and Conway type ish.
ehh..this is pretty repetitive and the drums sound off beat at points.

This isn't a beat for trap-lovers and or millennial-music lovers. Drums are spot on-beat bruh. As previously stated, really didn't want to use any drums. Waiting on your flip though.
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lol bruh I can appreciate all types of beats. This is just not good. It's repetitive and awfully simple. Don't come on here talking like you're the best when all you did was loop a sample. Also you won't see a flip from me because this sample is extremely underwhelming just like your beats.
lol bruh I can appreciate all types of beats. This is just not good. It's repetitive and awfully simple. Don't come on here talking like you're the best when all you did was loop a sample. Also you won't see a flip from me because this sample is extremely underwhelming just like your beats.

Lol, you haven't heard even 10% of my beats. I never said I'm the best kid; This is a sample-flipping forum. If you want to critique, then there's another sub-forum for that. Either way, you're welcome to your opinion, but it's still only that, your opinion. What are your credentials? Have you ever even sold a beat or worked with any artists? Flip the sample or keep it movin if you don't like it.

This is a simple loop, but it's still dope.

The original flip was ehhhh.. But Ive been in this forum for a few years and Micah is one of the best in this forum when it comes to Flips...

Now the reason I say its "ehhh", because the flip was just a loop and its repetitive. The vocals are too loud so if someone were to sing or rap over it, it would clash..
I think everyone is coming down so hard you because of the message that was included with the flip. So we expected some fire but it wasn't.

I usually don't post flips on the internet but I like the sample so ill post something in the morning.
I know you weren't looking for critique, but you can't post a flip saying "here you go you lames" and then post an average flip, it's gonna get critiqued. And as far as my credentials, I know my beats are a lot better than yours so that's all I need to know. Good day
The original flip was ehhhh.. But Ive been in this forum for a few years and Micah is one of the best in this forum when it comes to Flips...

Now the reason I say its "ehhh", because the flip was just a loop and its repetitive. The vocals are too loud so if someone were to sing or rap over it, it would clash..
I think everyone is coming down so hard you because of the message that was included with the flip. So we expected some fire but it wasn't.

I usually don't post flips on the internet but I like the sample so ill post something in the morning.
Exactly what I'm saying
The difference between me and you is I'm a producer and you're a looper. I make songs, I mix and master myself, you probably have no idea how to mix well. It's clear you loop a sample, add some boom bap drums and export it. There's more than that that makes a beat good. You can call me a "millennial trap lover" but I love all kinds of hip hop. I've made plenty of boom bap beats, some are on my soundcloud and I guarantee they sound a lot better than yours. There's mixing, effects, switchups, layers, panning, you should learn those things. Here's a link to one of my remixes if you care to see for yourself.

The difference between me and you is I'm a producer and you're a looper. I make songs, I mix and master myself, you probably have no idea how to mix well. It's clear you loop a sample, add some boom bap drums and export it. There's more than that that makes a beat good. You can call me a "millennial trap lover" but I love all kinds of hip hop. I've made plenty of boom bap beats, some are on my soundcloud and I guarantee they sound a lot better than yours. There's mixing, effects, switchups, layers, panning, you should learn those things. Here's a link to one of my remixes if you care to see for yourself.

Sounds like a Head to Head Beat battle between Micah and L3Beats is in order! :victory:
Im surprised there isn't more H2H beat battles here..

Dope flip too
Wow...I posted up talking a little smack one time, just trying to get some people to flip. Now I see some ego's and emotions out of control haha.

I never post on here disrespecting anyone.

L3Beats, you must be joking right? Talking about panning, eq'ing etc. Since I don't post every beat I make on here begging for attention, you for real think you are on my level? I never brag or try to show off. When I post on here, 90% of the time it's for fun. Most of these beats I spent 30 minutes to an hour making fun flips. It's fun seeing what others come up with. Now you on here acting like you're J Dilla, Easy Mo Bee, or 9th Wonder. I post maybe* 10% of my beats online. I never felt the need to try and boost my ego by posting stuff I spend days on perfecting. And why would I post something I'm going to sell or use working with an artist? Smh...... At most I will post a promo a few times a year.

Imma shut you down right now.

Boom-Bap first

Simple loop, still doper than your generic un-inspired throwaways

On to the finesse

And finally a composition, the kind you aspire to make.

Ehh sorry, not impressed with any of those beats. I was merely just responded to you saying I was a trap loving millennial. No need to break out your whole catalog of your not so good rapper friends over your beats. If anyone's ego is hurt it's yours. I critiqued your original flip and you went off how I'm a trap lover and you don't post your "good" stuff lol. All good. Have a good one though I've had enough of this post.
Ehh sorry, not impressed with any of those beats. I was merely just responded to you saying I was a trap loving millennial. No need to break out your whole catalog of your not so good rapper friends over your beats. If anyone's ego is hurt it's yours. I critiqued your original flip and you went off how I'm a trap lover and you don't post your "good" stuff lol. All good. Have a good one though I've had enough of this post.

You're done because you got done up. "Eh not impressed" because you look real stupid now after talking all that EQ and other BS. You just seem like a negative dude who enjoys insulting others and spewing your unqualified hate. If you don't like something, cool. Keep it moving. I'm going to keep doing me, you do you. Peace.

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