Difference Between Hating and Telling The Truth???

Tha Wiizard

New member
Lately, I have been seeing a trend that is really getting on my fuking nerves. Everytime somebody says I don't like this or that, they are classified as being a hater. Every time a news story breaks about a celebrity being gay or on dope, it is a rumor. Shyts rediculous.
your hating when your means for critising someone or what they do is based on your personal views(opinions), rather than an actual fact about that person.
For me a hater is someone who would say 'that rappers is sooo ****tt', rather than say i dislike his/her music or just im not really into their music. Its as simple as that if you dont like the bloke's music, you dont have to go crazy & strart talkkin **** about that artist. It's when you start forcing things on other people like how can you listen to that rapper, it's their opinion & their choice who to like & not to like. Not everyone is like youu. That's what makes individuality.
For me a hater is someone who would say 'that rappers is sooo ****tt', rather than say i dislike his/her music or just im not really into their music. Its as simple as that if you dont like the bloke's music, you dont have to go crazy & strart talkkin **** about that artist. It's when you start forcing things on other people like how can you listen to that rapper, it's their opinion & their choice who to like & not to like. Not everyone is like youu. That's what makes individuality.

your kicks are ****ing wack, son. - hatin

those kicks look fresh on you, but definitely not my style - not hatin
this thread is whack what you on about..loolllllll

but yhe **** them, if they aint got nuffin good to say why say ****,

like the deadout homeboy whos always bitchin bout somthin,,
Who cares?

The answer lies in why someone is calling another person a hater. Is it because he/she can't take criticism, and instead making something positive out of it, uses the term "hater" to get back at the critic? Or is it because the supposed "hater" is saying something negative out of spite and/or jealousy?

I hate the term "hater," and will never use it against someone. It's just immature and a distraction from the real issue. So I guess I'm "hatin" on the term. askldf;ja;lsdkjf;alskdjfieru;bullshist;lasjdf;lkasjdf

I notice people get irritated at others for not sharing the same taste and/or opinion, so they become butt hurt about it and verbally retaliate.

How are you gonna hate on the definition of HATING

Hater is not a real word. Just like "swagger". If it's not part of the real english language and the best you can do is refer to me as it...you might as well be calling me a "poo poo head". I never say i dislike something without a clarified reasoning.

But then again, clarifying why you dislike something and pointing out it's flaws doesn't make people less likely to call you a "hater" either, lol. Just funny people can say "souljaboy and gucci sux" with no further explanation, but even after explaining in detail why Eminem's material is no longer up to par....nvmd.
^Swagger's a real English word. Lol...

But I'd say when someone is called a hater, it's usually based on opinion, and not fact (the real truth, not YOUR truth).
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When it comes to music or art in general there is no truth. There's only perception and opinion. I personally don't like to call people wack... I'd rather just say " I don't like it/feeling it. " But even if someone was to call me wack I wouldn't think or say that they're hating. Opinions aren't facts so there's no need to get bent out of shape.
When it comes to music or art in general there is no truth. There's only perception and opinion. I personally don't like to call people wack... I'd rather just say " I don't like it/feeling it. " But even if someone was to call me wack I wouldn't think or say that they're hating. Opinions aren't facts so there's no need to get bent out of shape.

Good post but if any of you niggas like Gucci Mane and think that shyt is good music, I feel sorry for ya.
Also, I heard this new song by Timbaland featuring Keri Hilson called "Rumors" talking about people hating on them and shyt. Fuk that. If these muthfukas are industry fags and whores and are so proud of it then let the world know. Every bad thing somebodys says about these muthfukas can't be a lie. Some of this shyt gotta be true. Now, one might ask, why do I care. Simple, because half these mofos tryna make themselves out to be gods when they are nothing but scum of the earth with money. If this is you, admit to it and stop calling people liars when they know the shyt is true.
R. Kelly clearly pissed on a little girl, on camera might I add but he swear up and down that wasn't him, GTFOH. Mase got caught tryna fuk a transexual and here he go, man, that wasn't me. According to these mofos, everybody and they mama is lying.