What Happened To This Forum?

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Just Clauz

New member
Its dying. There is too low traffic on this site, but worse is too low contributions.

I think its a reflection of the Hip Hop culture. Nothing exciting happens, there is nothing else to talk about. We get our daily hip hop news from Worldstar. I mean really? We need to get back that flame on these boards.
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One thing I've noticed lately is that the forum is getting overly saturated by beginners asking beginners questions all over the place, lowering the standards of the forum. Nothing wrong with that, but the abscence of slightly more complicated questions disencourages the more experienced users who want to help, as they pretty much have to answer novice questions day after day - eventually they leave for other forums with higher standards.

Even worse is that some of these beginners tries to act like smartasses not willing to admit they're wrong sometimes, settling long and childish arguments that simply makes no sense. Not saying that's all there is on the forum, but it has increased lately.

Last but not least there is now pretty much a new generation giving the answers to questions, who just doesn't give an as passionate impression as the previous generation, and sound not enough artistic in their replies, but too technical.
Nowadays I pretty much only get tired by browsing the forum as it's always the same thing being asked and (unnecessarily) being debated.

But that's just me
Well its definetly true that hip hop is oversatuated with thousands of basement producers. But really, it already started over 10 years ago when people shared all those ripped drumpacks from Lil Jon, Polow da Don, K.E on the Beat and all those producers.

But damn I miss it. Somehow its just not the same anymore.
Forums in general are a dead medium (with exceptions), there are new sources of information like social media, all the content you need is on YouTube, literally if you want to be a producer lock yourself in a room for the summer with YouTube.
Forums in general are a dead medium (with exceptions), there are new sources of information like social media, all the content you need is on YouTube, literally if you want to be a producer lock yourself in a room for the summer with YouTube.

Nah, you still need to interact with others. Spending the summer in front of YouTube will give you tonnes of info and insight, but that needs to be sorted so you understand the depth of it and erase all misconceptions - which is done by entering discussions. Surely this can be done within a smaller group of people, but you're nowhere near the potential of being on a forum unless you're friend with a producer guru who actually gives his or her time to teach you.

To my experience it seems like the smaller forums are dying out as people realize there's too few people browsing it to give answers, and so they go over to places like KVR or Gearslutz. Hope Future Producers don't die out as it's pretty gentle towards people with less experience, it's needed as a hub for people starting out (still versatile for other levels of producers though of course).
I stopped coming once Bandcoach left and clowns like chew_bear and his deluge of dumb questions took over, and the Rap/RnB section turned into another place to spam music and news aggregates (kingstarzent). Is there even a point to having a showcase section when people just spam their music all over the forum without moderation?
The only people making this site somewhat bearable for a visit post-Bandcoach are kongkosskang, rhythmgj, steffeeh, krushing, and scrapheaper.
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I am primarily on soundcloud/youtube/reddit/Srk the majority of my time online and tbh, I'd rather this place be a sub reddit.
I like this place but having kvr/gearslutz/futureproducers in 3 different areas...
Then of course... there's metroTab for that.

While I am no website expert, this one in particular could do with a new design and a more open layout for videos and images or beatbubbles and such.
There is a lot of stuff on this site I see that is just not in use because of how it's laid out.
I've learned a bit from bandcoach and most others here as well but the layout could do with some big icons imo.
I stopped coming once Bandcoach left and clowns like chew_bear and his deluge of dumb questions took over, and the Rap/RnB section turned into another place to spam music and news aggregates (kingstarzent). Is there even a point to having a showcase section when people just spam their music all over the forum without moderation?
The only people making this site somewhat bearable for a visit post-Bandcoach are kongkosskang, rhythmgj, steffeeh, krushing, and scrapheaper.
Cheers fam :D

I actually quite like being able to help beginners where I can, makes me feel useful if I can help someone to do something they couldn't do before.
It's hard though sometimes, most people don't understand what they don't understand so it's hard to know what advice to offer them.

That said, I am getting more and more into reddit r/edmproduction, so I might end up on there instead of here.

All in all I think I'm probably nearing the end of what free internet resources can teach me and I need to either spend time doing my own learning or hire a tutor.
Having street cred on a few forums is kinda a reasonable asset if I want to promote myself- I've been thinking about moving into yt tutorials, I reckon there are a few areas where the content is lacking, and this forum is a good platform to find people who might be interested in that kind of thing. (The only difference between spamming and being a valued forum member is spamming content that's actually useful to other forum users)
Not trying to revive an old post for nothing but I was wondering where bandcoach was and came upon this topic through the search.
I'd like to drop my 2 cents and hope moderators will read and hopefully, my comments will add something.
I do agree with Konkoss. The site could do with an update, although I don't think that would be a problem attracting ppl to the forum.
Also, social media , youtube and all that stuff attracts a lot of people but it doesn't fulfill an easy approachable medium for people to ask questions. I hate reddit as it gives me a certain feel of not having a proper structure.
IMO, a problem on FP is the lack of active moderation/progression. How long have those stickies been there? How many times do you see a moderator reply to a topic and point to a sticky post where that question get's discussed? The forum could do with a proper structurization in stickies. Also, it could do with some additions to the stickies. Like 'What Monitor to buy?' 'What AI to buy?' and 'What DAW to use?' . Then, when the millionth person comes to ask us what monitor he should buy, he should get a nice reply that points him to check the sticky and use the search function on the forum.
Also, moving topics to the right section.
Other then that, it might have been dead in 2014 (I've been busy for a while and been way less active), I can't really see it's dead at the moment tbh. Ppl come and ppl go. Nothing said about how long I'll be posting on here. This could be my last post, It might well be I'll stick around a lot longer. Trying to learn new stuff and trying to pass on what I already grasped to others. Posts still get made, questions still get answered every day on FP.
Another thing that strikes me , on FP, is that a certain portion of the ppl that frequent this place, are really focussed on making beats, producing hiphop/rap stuff. This forum (which consists of it's members) tends to be slightly blind for all the other genres out there. Also, hiphop goes further then trap :p Think of oldschool hiphop with lot's of blues and jazz influences. Think of modern hiphop like what Kanye did with production for instance. That's only what already happened in hiphop.
EDM for instance, is only covered by a small portion of FP. Usually, if I have specific issues with EDM , I go to gearslutz but somehow, I don't like the ambience over there.
I think there could be some investment in trying to broaden FP peoples mindset and views in answering their questions. Referring to origins, pointing to highly informative reads or views (youtubes for instance). Take one of my last topics about the documentary " Soundbreaking " . https://www.futureproducers.com/for...-/soundbreaking-new-series-520713/?highlight= . There's a part that covers hiphop but it mostly tries to cover past 80 years. I think this documentary is a must for every person that loves music and music making.
Another example of something that is IMO majorly inspiring, ' All things must pass: the rise and fall of tower records' . Off topic? I don't think so. It explains you a good bit of how commerce worked in the past and how it changed over time. It might as well give you a new view or mindset about how to adapt in the modern world to new media to get your music out there for instance.
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Thanks for the props and the ideas, peeps...

I can say that the mods and the management have had (and are having) ongoing discussions about the issues mentioned here, so please keep the ideas coming and you can also help a lot just by pointing us to things like obvious spam, or putting allowable posts in the correct sub-forums (I just moved a bunch of things that really belonged in "Collaborations & Opportunities"), and we'll definitely continue to keep an eye out for music posts that are hyping someone's tunes or products in the wrong/multiple places. As far as updates/relevancy/keeping FP as a place that is welcoming and open to all styles and levels (including beginners _and_ experienced producers, recordists, and musicians), again, we are not unaware of the changes that have occurred here, but your suggestions help and will be given consideration, so thanks in advance...

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As the for the forum structure, what I think could be a nice addition is separating certain subforums even further, as well as moderating them harder. For instance, on the Getting Started we see a lot of presentationsof newcomers, and while that is nice it sometimes cover up that subforum too much, so why not divide it up and have a dedicated presentation subforum, just to clean things up (or even create a presentation sticky where you post instead, I mean people rarely even respond to the presentation threads so there's no point in keeping them as threads).

More than this, why not divide the Theory, Composing & Sounddesign subforum into 2 forums, one for music theory, and the other for sounddesign. Surely those subjects lightly overlap frequently, but thread-wise things would become more focused and give a cleaner look.

And why not add a Music Production Philosophy-subforum or something, where you may discuss different mindsets and express the more indepth opinions about certain things in the music world - just to clean things up, currently you see these subjects scattered all over the forum.

Moderator-wise, I think there needs to be an extra effort in moderating the Getting Started, as this forum seems to be the one where people post "the wrong topics in the wrong subforum" most frequently, such as mixing topics, music showcase, or hardware questions aimed towards a specific model of gear rather than an "overall starting out" gear-question (making it more suitable for the Hardware subforum).

Just some ideas :)
its a combination of things i think, social media making access to information much faster than forums usually do. then you have the old heads who with age have moved onto other things and priorities. then you have those who used the forums to learn what they needed then abandoned it. ive noticed it on a few other forums i use and those are usually the main reasons for people leaving.
As the for the forum structure, what I think could be a nice addition is separating certain subforums even further, as well as moderating them harder. For instance, on the Getting Started we see a lot of presentationsof newcomers, and while that is nice it sometimes cover up that subforum too much, so why not divide it up and have a dedicated presentation subforum, just to clean things up (or even create a presentation sticky where you post instead, I mean people rarely even respond to the presentation threads so there's no point in keeping them as threads).

More than this, why not divide the Theory, Composing & Sounddesign subforum into 2 forums, one for music theory, and the other for sounddesign. Surely those subjects lightly overlap frequently, but thread-wise things would become more focused and give a cleaner look.

And why not add a Music Production Philosophy-subforum or something, where you may discuss different mindsets and express the more indepth opinions about certain things in the music world - just to clean things up, currently you see these subjects scattered all over the forum.

Moderator-wise, I think there needs to be an extra effort in moderating the Getting Started, as this forum seems to be the one where people post "the wrong topics in the wrong subforum" most frequently, such as mixing topics, music showcase, or hardware questions aimed towards a specific model of gear rather than an "overall starting out" gear-question (making it more suitable for the Hardware subforum).

Just some ideas :)

Damn that "Production Philosophy" idea you came up with sounds great. It would be interesting to have a subforum where we can debate more ethical, insightful and artistic things concerning music and such. You know, a place where we go way too deep into things!
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What are some sites that you all might view as "modern/up-to-date" in their layout and design?
Could be music sites, or anything else... It might be good to have a few places that we could "A/B" with...

What are some sites that you all might view as "modern/up-to-date" in their layout and design?
Could be music sites, or anything else... It might be good to have a few places that we could "A/B" with...

Personally I quite like the look of the new(ish) dubstep forum (DSF community)
I also think user should contribute some more. Sometimes the view/post ratio is like 50-1. We need more traffic in this place, more constributions.
It's a shame to see how much this forum has declined in the last 6-12 months. People aren't even bothering with the flip battles anymore! :(

Did anyone ever get to the bottom of why/where bandcoach vanished to? I hope he's ok... As soon as he left, that's when things started to decline.
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Yes, more positive user participation, please. Be part of the solution, not the problem.

No, sadly, no bandcoach info at this time.

a series of misfortunate events
although, by the time i made my post in this topic and even before that, board admins should've tried harder changing things tbh
make more admins for 1
i'm afraid it's a bit of a sunken ship at this point in time :(
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