Welcome to the Collaboration Forum READ ME FIRST

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mano 1

mano 1

Staff member
Let's see what you guys can produce TOGETHER now!

Some things I want you guys to know (the existing rules say the same thing but its important to read:

Just remember that FutureProducers (FP) is not responsible for the contents posted here, if the contents breaks any law for example

Read the general rules of the site here:

Basically what I mean is that this is an area for you guys to have fun producing together, but FP isn't responsible of any problems resulting from the use of the site.

Thanks for reading and ENJOY!
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READ ME: Collaboration Forum Guidelines

Prefered Way For Collaborating:

1. When Collaborating please DO NOT send save program files (I.E. Saved Fruityloop Files or Saved Reason File Ect.) send Wav or USE STANDARD CODECS MP3 files cause not everyone uses the same program that everyone else might.

2. Find ways that files will be sent and recieved by those who are collaborating (I.E. messenger programs, free hosting spaces, soundclick, etc) DO NOT send huge MB files as users who have Dail-Up connections will take a long time to recieve files.

3. Please use the Private Messaging system if you are going to give out your Email Address. People who visit theses forum will see it and might try to sending you a virus or other unwanted mail.


Some Links To Encoding Software:

Windows: Windows Encoding downloads @ MP3Machine

Mac: Mac Encoding downloads @ MP3Machine

Linux: Linux Encoding downloads @ MP3Machine
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