Using Acid...

  • Thread starter Thread starter DIGITUS
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When I compose songs I use fruityloops to create my riffs and rhythm tracks. Next, I bring them into Wavlab for FX editing, and finally into Acid Pro for sequencing.

However, I've noticed that after I've tweaked my Acid Pro volume settings for the individual tracks, the final result usually ends up Clipping. It seems that the only way around this is to bump all of my volumes settings to ridiculously lower settings. Is this true?

If anyone has any experience with Acid Pro, I would greatly appreciate advice as to what strategy to use when volume mixing in Acid Pro. I know I will figure this one out, but sometimes it helps to get feedback from others.


[Edited by DIGITUS on 02-10-2001 at 11:35 AM]
let me help you out

Dont worry about having your volume low when you export from Acid.

What you need to do with the final WAV file of your song is this: COMPRESS it. Add to it the effect "compression".

A compression is a rack (or an effect in a program) that everybody use in studios to increase the DB level of their tracks AND prevent clippings.

I dont know Wavelab that well, but look for "compression" in it. Post any question you may have.

take care man
Ahhh Yes... Compression.

Thanks for the tip. I have a compression plugin, and recently I saw an article about compression. I will locate the article and read up on compressing, and then I will give it a whirl.

Thanks again for your help.

[Edited by DIGITUS on 02-10-2001 at 08:43 PM]
Hi , I would just like to say that if you can get away without compression ( or very little ) by ballancing your mix right that is better. If your file is of very low volume , compressing it will bring up the low level distortion and other 'grit'. Trying to get a maximum volme before this is always advisable , to improve the SIGNAL:NOISE ratio :)

In wavelab , look at the master output panel , here above the fader are a number of boxes that you can insert your FX to line these up in any order you want but a typical signal path when mastering would be

compresser - EQ - limiter

Use the compressor to bring all the levels closer together , this changes the sound ballance use EQ to correct this and add cosmetics. Last use limiter to remove any stray peaks in the file so it can be brought to maximum volume within the medium.

Finally , there is a selection either at the bottom of the master panel or somewhere in the menu , that bounces all the FX to the track.

Ask in further detail about any of these points if you wish.