The Most Professional Way to Shop Your Beats Online?


New member
What's the best way to shop your beats through email? Imagine you have an artist's email address and you'd really like them to spit a verse over one of your beats... how would you come at them? Obviously you'd email them the beat, but what kind of message would you put in the body? I don't wanna come off sounding like A) a dickhead B) a groupie.

Note: I would basically be giving the beat away. I would NOT charge them for it in this instance.

Any thoughts or input would be appreciated.

Just send it

Just basically in the title state

I have included tracks for you to listen too. "Name here"

Thank you for your time.

Has gotten me a few connections. Regardless of what you write just send it, the worst thing they do is chose not to listen or not use it. :cool:
Follow people on twitter. I can't tell you how many email addresses of rappers I get on there to send beats to. Plus you can have convo's with them so they get a feel for you first too.