Sampletank Question

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If I am using a drum kit in Sampletank, how can I edit (panning, pitch, volume, etc.) just one of the individual drum sounds??
One way to do some more sample-level controlling like this is using the ZONE button. You can click the ZONE button and see what zones are set up for the kit you are using. Then you click a note in the zone you'd like to edit and make changes specific to that zone. There is more information on page 37 (Section 3.5 "ZONE control") in the SampleTank User Manual.
Awesome. Thanks, Peter. You wouldn't happen to know where I can find the manual online do you?

I would like to read up on this while I'm here at work so that I'm ready to go when I get home, if possible.
You could download the installer, it should be in the zip or dmg. If you can't do that from work, PM your email address and I'll get it over to you.