Remember the chip/rare earth mineral shortage/trade war/delivery barge stuck/COVID-19 propaganda afflicting audio/computer gear purchases? Well....

There's a bit of good news here:

This actually *DOES* help us pro audio and computer use people. If anybody ever got seriously stonewalled while simply trying to buy a new computer or some audio hardware then you already know. Times have been suspicously tough. People like me read the Wall Street Journal; corporations were busy waging not even hiding in plain site financial warfare against smaller independent merchants using "COVID" and all of the above in the title of this post as excuses. A lot of innocent and formerly successful businesses collapsed and quit. Others, such as some restaurants, locked up their doors and switched to "delivery only".

Thankfully, us audio people aren't ordering burgers. All this, "nevermind the nation's economy; let's force everybody to NetFlix and Chill with a scamdemic" is too bogus for words. We're the type of people where the party music comes from!!! Anyways, with some efforts to support the LOCAL, DOMESTIC production economy instead of the local death/murder/corruption industries we all have a better future. Even us little guys are more likely to be able to just buy some gear when we have the funds instead of getting... "sorry, not sorry, you can't buy that--it's on sale but it's not available--because of ____________" (total BS).

Some of the bogus BS might have even been intentional local domestic market inflation and manipulation in terms of forcing people to attempt to buy online. It even correlates to stats of people getting hacked/phreaked while they try to purchase online instead of just having local everyday "brick and morter" *REAL* stores to buy our stuff from in person. It's almost as if the hostiles tried to force the world's longest "Black Friday" upon us.

Peace be unto the Biden administration for still trying to help us out even while the supreme court repeatedly sh***s all over the nation disrespectfully.

Peace be also unto the Trump administration for resisting total national stagnation and resisting the SHUTDOWN of EVERYTHING. It's always been 100% innocent and virtuous to Make America Great Again ( = Build America Back Better); there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with that.

And yet, GOP backstabbers and journalistic saboteurs need to STAND DOWN and GET OUT OF THE WAY. There's nothing wrong with us U.S. citizens just living our lives without manipulation. Even Anthony Faucci (Fauci?) recently confessed publicly that naturally acquired NATURAL IMMUNITY is still (and has always been) more effective than vaccines and injections.

I mean, "supreme court" hucksters deliberately delinquently playing hookie away from actual justice may have already killed a legitimate economy booster by sabotaging Biden's legally and Constitutionally and historically legitimate Executive Order to fulfill debt forgiveness of collegiate citizens. But at least Biden is still doing some other good things for us while still alive and kicking.

I was one of the people adversely affected by all the ar********** blocking capital goods purchases and investments in home studio gear. Even my COVID-19 stimulus packages were stolen right after I received it in a separate unrelated incident. First few times I tried to buy a computer from local office supply store they were like, "nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, nope, not that one, sorry, not sorry" my entire list of potential purchases based upon their in-store AND online ads for supposedly available and in stock computers. They claimed it was "because of COVID--you can't buy that".


Then you might remember when there was allegely that "tanker" beached like a whale in port with "nobody to fetch the x-mas imports to deliver them to Americans"... NOT LIKELY... just hire from the continuity of unemployed to get your workers. Stop trying to cancel X-mas just because you're greedy.

I read the Wall Street Journal. The whole time while all this junk was happening, the corporate giants and financial hostiles were high-fiving themselves and each other while deliberately and premeditatively raising consumer prices and forcing most businesses in general to suffer. Whether it was smaller corporations or LLC's or sole proprietorships, they were busy forcing everybody to "shut down and shelter in place".

It's NOT all about a virus, though. Everybody willing to think for themselves knows that now too. But peace and goodwill to those who just want us to help us to help ourselves without it being yet another instance of KLEPTOCRACY STEALING FROM EVERYONE.

By the way, Trump is still a diplomatic Ace in the Hole helping to End the Ukraine Conflict. All those backstabbing Repubs should be ashamed of themselves. First they installed Trump in office as a wildcard strategy. It worked. He was the Deregulator President. And he fulfilled that strategy of trimming government down by a use it or lose it while firing people on the way in. He was a successful living black op, and then they threw him under the bus and tried to get him and his people arrested. Such betrayal.

Nevertheless, Trump helped sooth pre-Ukraine Conflicted Russia with being nice first diplomatic friendliness. John Kerry used to claim that every President's job was to "inspire the people"; Trump did that too. Trump helped USA military to STAND DOWN with Iran. Trump helped USA military to STAND DOWN with North Korea. He's a functioning living diplomat of sorts, and tricksters who used to praise him while slamming Democrats now slam him too worse than how they slam Democrats. BUT D. TRUMP HELPED PREVENT WWIII 3 times!

OK, so we're musicians, anybody who assumes we're not intellectual and we're not supposed to talk nor think about these things; as if we're also not supposed to defend ourselves and each other and anybody else who is innocent... if you are one of those assumption making people... you are mistaken... we've always been around and we always will. "Hey, children what's that sound(?); everyone look what's goin' 'round... "


P.S. - Long before the shutdown bs and all the blockades and the Ukraine conflict, a foreigner publicly announced his friendly position that America's Black people would and/or tend to benefit from learning and knowing martial arts. It was one of the most cheerful and friendly bits of news I ever heard in my entire life. It was like getting supportive survivalist advice from an nice uncle or college professor something. Believe it or not, it came from Vladimir Putin. It already happened within our lifetimes, but journalism buried their own coverage of the piece and of the peace. It's as hard to find as trying to find the bit where extremist(?) Elon Musk claimed that he wanted posthumanistic/transhumanistic cybernetic microchip implants to be mandatory (without any choice!).

Anyways, like vladi-MIR or not, it was EXCELLENT ADVICE, from a long ways away.
No matter how bizarre the status quo is or was or will be, no matter how guilty or innocent or both, I will always be thankful for his nice advice. Kind of amazing, isn't it? Meanwhile, so many American journalists back then, acted like Black Americans have no right to defend themselves. Like, "how dare black people defend themselves using martial arts!" was the official response.

In terms of the the here and now, I don't think anybody anywhere in America knows or is talking about the real causes of the Ukraine War Conflict. I don't know either. But what we've been told CANNOT possibly be the truth of what happened.

CNN and other journalists made fun of the advice and claimed it was "interference" meanwhile, they never asked any Black Americans if it was good advice or not. Is it sensationalistic journalism behind the mysterious war with Ukraine? People making money off of fear and sadness DOES include journalism. The other suspects are weapons dealers themselves, of course.

Excuse me while I go make some chunes.
Sincerest good thanks Joe!
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