Recording a mixed CD with track breaks

  • Thread starter Thread starter DJazim
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I recently recorded my mix on minidisc and transferred it to my hard drive. I have Soundforge and haven't played with it yet. Is there an easy way to create track breaks in my mix and then burn it on CD? Do I need better software or what do you recommend? Thanks!
First off, if it's the full version of sound forge, software isn't an issue for you.:) I have sound forge 4.5, and IMHO it's pretty much the best sample editor out there. But, I think to put in song breaks, you can do that in you CDR's 'create cd' thingie. But if you have to do it in sound forge, try this: go through you're entire wav file, and when you come to a point where you want it to break, press "M" to drop a marker. Do this as many times as you need to to get all the breaks that you want. Press stop. Then highlight the selection that leads up to marker 1 and press ctrl "C" to copy that section. now press ctrl "E" to paste that copied file into a seperate document. save it as "song 1", or what ever. Now do the same form marker 1 to 2, and so on. Now you should have all your tracks seperated, so you can burn you CD.
By the way, anyone who needs sound forge help, email me or icq me. I know that progie pretty well. ;) icq # is 77685410
Crispy Disco,

Does that track separation enable you to create a CD using the "Disc at Once" feature on CD Creator and not leave any spaces between tracks? Basically I want a non stop continuous mix with track breaks. thanks.
Crispy'z right....if it's full Soundforge, u can do it...if not, get the shareware version of "n-track Studio". U can record, then add markers and create separate, smaller .wav files, then record these using the "disc-at-once" feature on your cd creator. I don't feel like explaining it all right now, but if u want details, email me:
Thanks sik_breakz and crisp.. I will try it out and report back..