printing stems and delay compensation?

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I'm trying to make stems to prepare for master but I just noticed when I recorded the vocal stem that it was noticeably not in time. And seemed to phade off even more off time when farther along in the song. The stems that I have are 50 minutes so I'm concerned for it drifting. I'm redoing all my stems now with delay compensation to test if there's a difference. What is the norm for printing stems do you use delay compensation or not and what setting do you use. I have pro tools 10 hd.
Do you have a lot of plugin automation on the vocals? Try freezing and flattening the tracks that are getting out of time then bounce the stems. If they are slowly getting out of time as the track progresses, then my only explanation would be that the vocals are slightly stretched. Visually, do the vocals line up, and when you play it through on your daw does everything sound normal?
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It does not sound like you a trying to master the track, if you wanted to master if you should export all of the stems into one .wav file.

It sounds like you are trying to do the mixdown, if so: Why not mixed down the track in your current project? not absolutely necessary to export individual stems, I find it complicates things and alters the way the track overall sounds oppose to a large export.

And if you you only noticed the vocals are out of time when trying to export then stem, this is something I find exporting individual stems do. Is the vocal out of sync when playing in the DAW project? Trying warping the vocal track to fit, or try and exporting the entire porject if vocal sounds find in the DAW and see if the vocala lines up in project export .wav
Oof printing a 50 min stems from PT10 without offline bouncing sounds brutal.

Yes I would definatley be using delay compensation (use the biggest buffer option it gives you and dont check the ignore errors box). Try it but if you haven't had it already turned on in during mixing you should check how everything sounds, more than likely turning it on will make some things pop out of the mix more.
I'm trying to make stems to prepare for master but I just noticed when I recorded the vocal stem that it was noticeably not in time. And seemed to phade off even more off time when farther along in the song. The stems that I have are 50 minutes so I'm concerned for it drifting. I'm redoing all my stems now with delay compensation to test if there's a difference. What is the norm for printing stems do you use delay compensation or not and what setting do you use. I have pro tools 10 hd.

I've tried pro tools but I am not an expert so may I ask? Isn't there automatic compensation for the plugins delay?

I mean it's pro tools anyway, they've got to automate the delay by themselves right? Every major DAW does that

Sorry if I misunderstood but I am a pro tools noob
It sounds like you are trying to do the mixdown, if so: Why not mixed down the track in your current project? not absolutely necessary to export individual stems, I find it complicates things and alters the way the track overall sounds oppose to a large export.

I agree with Wapiti on this. Although, one situation where you might want to export individual stems is when your CPU starts hitting its limit. It's pretty much a fresh start and you can continue working without losing progress. A lot of producers do this when their project gets too complex to handle.
I agree with Wapiti on this. Although, one situation where you might want to export individual stems is when your CPU starts hitting its limit. It's pretty much a fresh start and you can continue working without losing progress. A lot of producers do this when their project gets too complex to handle.

Yeah I think I was trying to simplify too much. But I'm noticing as I keep breaking the tracks down and creating new sessions to keep from getting bogged down it delays it slightly.
One rendered track is not the same as the previous. It's noticeable on this latest session I've had. I'm gonna have to go back to my earlier session and just render it all in one track so they can all be slightly delayed equally. Pro tools does not have perfect timing. If I was to make 100 sessions and re render a 50 minute hi hat as I import it in each session wonder how far off the hi hat would become?