o.k need some help starting out

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o.k heres the story. a while back i decided i wanted a new way to make music. I decided on turntables and such because I really enjoy electronic music and i want to encorporate it in my music. now I dont have a big budget (about 600 at most) and i live in canada. so im thinking im screwed here. but I want to make like trance or jungle but i also want to be able to scratch a bit. I would really appreciate n e help on what stuff to get. thanx alot and this is a kickass site
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You would like to COMPOSE music (notes, each little sound, etc..)? would you prefer to mix other people's music (two vinyls, you mix them together)?

This detail will be helpful in order ot help you
hey by the way, i had to delete the other threads you posted witht he same message as this one...

please post stuff only once! :D
haha i know sorry i posted it here then i thought it made more sense to be in newbies so i did a copy and paste job =).
o.k well no remixes I dont really like that stuff but I want to make sumthing that has alot of **** going on at once. I dont really know the termanology but sumthing that by itself could be a full interesting song and then with stuff added to it even better.. hmmm i sound stupid...
but maybe like dj koala? his stuff is cool it would probably be a bit like that only less structured...
im supposed to go looking today so help soon would be MUCH appreciated.. thanx
mmhh i am sorry i am still not sure to understnad what you want to do...


. if you want to "mix" vinyls together (ie music composed by OTHER PEOPLE), get a pair of turntables and a mixer.

. if you want to scratch, WAIT. learn how to mix first :) but you need the same thing as above. Scratching requires good turntables (NOT belt drive, but direct drive).

. if you want to do your OWN MUSIC (very differnet) you should start by getting something like a KORG ELECTRIBE S. Electribe S (be carefuil there are different models, the S is the box which can "sample") is quite good, cheap ($500 US) and can be expandable to 64MB of memory. Basically it is a simple machine that allows you to compose patterns (ie beats) of either notes or drums, and you can even sample (ie record short sounds) and use them in your compositions. THEN in a little while, you will feel the need to get a keyboard controller, and maybe a real synthesizer.. but dont worry about all this for now.
hehe I know i sound like a dummy. umm I think im gonna go with the turntable mixer type of setup. ummm best thing to buy just starting out? I think i'd like to do a bit of scratching but none of that pure hip hop gay beat **** (no offense)... cheap. we want cheap

around 500 is the best cheap pack you can get! Look at my review on this page!

You can get all the help you need at this website.
You can call their customer service people and they have the lowest prices guaranteed!

That's how I got started!
Re: www.pssl.com

1234PRO said:
You can get all the help you need at this website....That's how I got started!

well man... i dont mean to be the sad guy here, but isnt this YOUR site?

Also, just so you know, we do appreciate when our members plug in their sites (in the SHOWCASE forum), but if the site is a pure "store", it is not really a help or a promotion of your music, it's free advertising ;)