Linkin Park chopped vocal EFX


New member
Hi there.

I was just wondering if anyone has tried that yet.
Examples to what i mean can be found in nearly every LinkinPark Song.
Its this "stutter-resampling" EFX.

What i tried so far is to either chop up the Vocal line in CUBASE and copy the small pieces around.
Other thing is to have the vocal track and sample some of the parts off and start them from a Sampler.

Both ways have brought the EFX pretty close but both are damn time consuming!!!!
Is there an easier way maybe?

Gating. Get a constant repetitive signal (like the bass drum) and use this as the side chain impluse to gate the vocal. This means that you will hear the vocal at the same time as there is abeat
maybe a tiny free program called CHOPPER (from Steinberg) can help you (not "Chopper 2"); have a look around the web.
Hi guys....

ThanX for all the Advice but the "Gating" trick isnt it.
With the Gating trick the Audio is running thru while the Audio is being chopped. (Commonly used for trance pads to be chopped up in rythm).

The Stutter EFX i mean is that a letter of a word is repeated in 32th or 64th notes before the line comes.

Listen to Linkin Parks "In the end".
The Part where Mike Shinoda says:
".....Acting like i was part of your property......"
it sounds like
"....A A Acting like i was part of your p-p-p-propert-t-t-ty........."

Can anyone give me advise in this?

I think the way you are doing it is the way to do it. Or maybe you could put the little bit of vocal into a sampler and trigger it?
Hi there.

I already thought its the only way but hoped there is a way to speed it up or so........Oh well......
So lets get chopping!!!!!!! :-)

GreetZ'n ThanX

i use that all day long on acid 4.0 d from sonic foundry

works flawless and you may chop any sound a t any lenght
if you take the sample chop it up where you want it chopped and assign the pieces to keys on your keyboard then you can achieve this effect easily. If you want it to stutter for 16th's then you just draw the midi data on your seqeuncer and this will trigger the effect, you can even play with the pitch and do some more complicated stuff.....

this is a fairly easy way of automating that process. plus you can always copy paste the midi data for several bars.

so basically take the word "repeat" now chop it up in syllables so you have re and peat. now assign re to C3 and peat to D3 on your sampler, if you want more pitch variations then do the same but use C3 and C4.... and trigger C3 in your sequencer. 32 times in 2 bars (16ths) and then peat afterwards with the same pattern (you can copy paste de midi data).... if you want to get even more creative you can escalate the pitch and stuff like that.....

hope that helps some.
the trick of the aumation is in copy pasting the midi data.
it can also be accomplished with time strech while maintaing pitch...if you take a 1 second sound clip and stretch it to 4 seconds and leave the pitch alone it should generate that stuttering sort of effect...

so basicly take yer vocal track / the first clear phonic in the first part of it and stretch just that tiny part out...say to triple the original length...then de-select the first phonic and play back the whole sample and you should hear the stutter glitch sound on the opening of the vocals...this can be done in both sound forge and cool-edit works better on some phonics than others...hard "S" is an easy phonic to play with this trick on...the word "sounds" is great because of the s on the begining and in...

hope this helps...hit me back if you want any better infos...i'm at werk currently and just thought i'd throw this out
The stutter effect was basically pioneered by Brian Transeau. It can be a combination of a couple of things. I think that you can basically do the effect in logic audio by manually cutting up the recorded audio track. In this way you can cut specific syllables out of vocals and repeat them as many times as you want.

Listen to BT - Hiphop phenomenon for a song that has about 1500 of these edits. For those pop inclined, you can listen to Nsync's - Dirty Pop for similar edits since he produced that track.

I am pretty sure that Linkin Park are heavily into Pro Tools edits and there may be plugins that can create that type of stutter - granular synthesis is a very common method as well. Lastly I know that BT uses Kyma for a lot of vocal morphing and stretching as well as granular edits.

it's pretty easy in Buzz. Make the vocal sample you're manipulating a word only (instead of the entire vocal track) then offset to the syllable you want and retrig accordingly. (Matilde 09xx, e90x, x being variable) You probably don't use buzz, but on the offchance you do, that is how you achieve that LP effect. Which is also used in Infected Mushroom - Converting Vegetarians, a kickass song I'm into now.
I think there is a plugin..

on the matrix reloaded OST it's also used in that Rob Zombie 'Reload' track.. it sounds exactly the same as the linkin park and even aphex twin (remember the microsite ?)

one option that i haven't tried myself is making a rex file in reason.. slice it up in as tiny bits as you can.. then, you can draw anything in the sequencer. follow the normal sequence and stop here and there to have some rrrrr or ssss's (manipulating the pitch in such things is also becoming a cliche now :D) or make it just one chaotic mass of speechlike sound..

Can't wait to go try things myself!!
ow yeah, there was also this thing with using the 'start sample' point manipulation to accomplish the effect.. (drawing a bunch of 64th)
Apply a delay to part of the first word, but send these applied effects to a new track (totally wet, no source signal). If you want 32nds or 64ths, just adjust the delay time as needed. Shift the effect track back xxx ticks (depending on your delay release time and how early you want the delayed syllable to come in.)

hope this helps.

BT (Brian Transeu) is the pioneer when it comes to that. If you havent heard of him, he is a poplular underground Trance/Techno etc. producer as well as film composer to Fast and Furious and others. There was an article in Keyboard magazine about his techniques. He didnt really go into his stuttering technique but he did other stuff. One song he used that in is "Pop" by N'Sync.
Another song that has this effect is Nine Inch Nail's Starf@ckers Inc. Listen to the first verse and you'll hear it.