This is offered in the spirit of criticism and feedback - given that you have turned off commenting on your blog, this will have to be the place I deliver this to you.....
The videos may or may not be worth viewing but your written content is severely lacking in accuracy and content - you allude to how you can use scales but then throw us over to the videos - nice way way to push traffic to your site to increase your advertising revenue but light on actual utility for advertised purpose.....
Bebop is later in the day in terms of jazz history (mid 40's when jazz is documented to have started a good 50 years before that)
Anything can be boring if not taught in an engaging manner - for you to label lessons (of any sort, but in this case, music) as boring only tells me that you had poor teachers or poor engagement (more likely the latter)
Scales are nothing new or spectacular - they are the building block for chords and melodies - however, it is what you do with notes that do not exist in the scale that separates great music from ordinary music
some better tips for creating bass lines (without having to watch a video first) would be
play the root note every time the kick hits
play notes from within the current chord whenever the kick plays
do the above and decorate with notes from the scale in between kick hits
apply the bootsy funk formula - search for it on youtube
search for my posts on basslines over the past 3 years
ps I write the above as a bass player of 37 years experience