Help on Recording...Read this guys PLEASE

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ryan night

Ok heres the deal...I have a portable mindisc player/recorder by Sharp. I stopped using it but realized now I can record my tables on it. Ok so I took a Red White cable with the black on the other end that plugs into my MD...and Tried to record a little session. It worked BUT I can only hear it in one ear when I play the MD...I pluged the Red White into the Master Red White on my Mixer...What am i doing wrong? How can I get the sound in both ears? Please help me out..thanks guys.
mmhh this is weird... i think one of your plugs is wrong.. what is the "black" one that plugs on your MD? is it a regular walkman stereo jack?

i dono..its just this cable...that has a red white on one end..and...1 black plug on the other...a straight black that goes into the me Mano!
that's wierd.

first check your connections and make sure they're in all the way. and make sure the cable's plugged in the right spot, red one's usually for right, white for left, and make sure it's in the right input on the mini-disc, (my friend's got a sony MD recorder/player, and I think there's 2 inputs)...(obvious solutions but it's happened to me)... then make sure that the cable itself isn't screwed up, try it with another recording medium (computer, cassette recorder) see if it works with that, if it doesn't, then you might need a new cable. if none of that works, then I don't know what to tell you=/
well, I hope you get it to work.
I got it :)

It was a bad cable...plugged a new one in..and boom :) thanks guys
is the sound quality of minidisc good? is it better than running it through ur comp.....i don't have a minidisc recorder and i never tried doing that..
dJ sHoE,
I'm not exactly sure of the exact quality of a mini-disc recording, although I do know that it's really damn good. But, in my opinion recording to computer is better. I say this because when you have it on computer it's easier to play with (edit and stuff). Even if you're not interested in composing or anything serioius, I think it's nice to be able to taylor your recording and clean it up a bit, or just play around with it (effects and stuff). oh, btw, simple editing and effects can be downloaded in demo and shareware versions of almost any editing/mixing program.
But anyway, that's just my opinion... just if you want to do that stuff.
as with ryan- it sounds like you just want to get some stuff on disc. (that's why I didn't address you in my reply) But I really don't know...
oh yeah, although some people do say you should have a copy of everything on tape/DAT/disc/whatever anyway for safety.
I hope that even helped, it's a bit off topic... well, a lot actually, but I thought you might want to hear...
and as usual- another long post. heh :)