Help me out with something :) Please

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ryan night

Hey everyone, I want to start putting my set together and so of course im looking for the right Vinyls to do so. I want to do sets similar to Bad Boy Bill, DJ Bam Bam and DJ Irene. I want to mix the alot of the same songs that they do. My problem is finding the original artist. Like it took me forever to find out that Natural Born Chillers did the song Rock the funky beats. and Razor Rob did Put your hands up. Because so many people mix it and then ahhh it drives me crazy. I find alot of good stuff on CDNOW.COM but I need another good site that has things in stock, or if anyone has any house or trance records that go along those lines. Anything that could help me out with regards to gettting these vinyls would be great. Anything! thanks
I don't understand how you had a problem finding those out. All the tracks on Bad Boy Bills CDs are listed, even the label is listed in the liner notes. I have Bangin' In London and there were a few songs I wanted off that CD on vinyl. But I'm sure most people here are going to tell you, don't always go buy stuff that you find on DJs cds. Goto a record store or an online store that has samples and listen to stuff. Write down a list of stuff that you want to get. I have a list of about 25+ records that I want to get. But I don't have the money right now. Heh..

lol ya

ya well I just found the CD cases to my house CD's so that is infact what I am doing in checking out the backs of those. I just want to find a placae I can order a bunch from. Instead of getting some from Cdnow some from satilite and some from tower. I hope I can find a record store in the Orange County California Area. :) thanks though
I have to agree with verbal....every vinyl I have, I stumbled upon by accident, just listening to it in the record store...that'z the best way, and that'z what makes each dj unique, is the music he/she playz....

cuz u don't wanna be playing everything everyone else does, right???? If u really want a track though, the best way to look is really on Napster, cuz 9/10 of the time, if u type in the title of a track, the artist will come up with it.