Half Dublex Overdub:Possible????

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RUbber ELbows

New member
I have a half duplex sound card i guess because i can not play a beat that i made (wav file) and record scratching at the same time is it because my sound card if so is there a way aroudn it if not what is quick cheap fix thanx for any resposes
depending on how cheap... I think you can get a Sound Blaster Live for $50. As far as I've heard, the SBlive is the best for anywhere near that price.

I just saw a Turtle Beach Montego II on ebay for $10. That's what I use. You might want to check that out too.

[Edited by dj funkifize on 02-16-2001 at 10:19 PM]
actually... I just thought of this... what kind of soundcard do you have? i really haven't heard of any newer soundcards having this limitation... maybe i or someone else can help