Cubase 5 Issues!!


New member
Didn't really get any help with this originally so I thought I'd ask for help again...

Hello Future Producers,

I'm working on a remix that I want to release sometime soon, but I'm having problems with Cubase that are stopping me from getting the remix finished.

I'm having major underrun issues, although Cubase works for a good 30 minutes after that it just keeps lagging.

The problem I think is my laptop, I'll show you the specs...

Windows Vista
System Manufacturer Hewlett Packard
HP G60 Notebook PC
X86 based PC
Processor Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU T3200 2.00GHz, 2000 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version Date Hewlett-Packard F.26, 01/10/2008
3Gb Ram.

Your help will be much appreciated, I really need this remix out there!

Well i guess it really depends on a few things;

What soundcard are you using?
How many VSTi`s are you using?
Have you selected the correct ASIO drivers for your soundcard?

the laptop should be able to run Cubase but it depends on the factors above really.

I'm thinking based on all the info presented that you are having overheating issues with the cpu which will cause lags. Get some freeware that will let you monitor cpu temperature and see if it is overheating.