Can i be a rave Dj whit my PC?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Qbeto
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New member
Hello, i´m Qbeto from México. Recently i have started in the computer music compose, and now i´m interested in the in play my music in direct.... but i only got a Yamaha DJX1 keyboard , a mixtable and my PC with a sound blaster live and some music sofware, do you think that can i make something whit that?, what more i need? (not much expensive ) I make loop based music (dance & Techno)

Sorry for my English, i speak spanish , thank u :)

excusa me, i not sure what you are asking for.
but making music on your pc with the things you have, it is possible, you should be able to make music with what you have. You would not have great number of sounds from the djx1 unless you use sound fonts on the soundblaster.

So if i am right you want to play music then record it on to your PC? i am right?

Give a clear list to what you own and sure someone here can help you. tell us everything you own because that way it easier for us to help you.
I think I get it

Your asking if you can be a Rave DJ and do Rave sets with your PC. Well mmmmm You could try but I think it would be kinda tuff to lug your PC into the raves...plug all that smack then you have to worry about runtime errors and smack like that during your set. Which I wouldnt want I my mind. Stick with the tables and the keyboard, bust out and get a mixer and another synth. or board. then do some stuff on your PC...record it..and you can bring it to your sets. :) Hope that helped..later

dj bis
Hey! =)

Thanks for the replyes =)
i wanna use my PC because i don´t have much money, and i have a lot of software of synts, samplers, gooveboxes, etc. I have a Midi Cable, and a Yamaha DJX Keyboard. I wanna to play my music in "live Act" , can i use that things?. I know that whit real synts and samplers is more easy and "cool" , but i wanna use the things that i already have to make music

I think it is very possible to make rave music with what you have :)

I know so many people who use there PC as a Tool

so ya just do with what you have

