Yes I'm here, just saw the post.
Well, Dj Marc, I don't understand what you mean, since PSI corps drummer uses so called "Drumkits" wich are several waves put together in one file, It shouldn't be possible to load waves into the machine. How on earth did you do it?
Anyway. PsiDrums2 sucks. Bigtime.
Istead use such simple things as a PRO Sampler or WhiteNoise Drummer3 (You can get them from buzztrack).
People of buzztrack seems to have this problem: The bigger the better. With a PSIdrum, you can have f.i. 1000 different hi-hat sounds. WOWOW!!
BUT: this takes up heck of alot CPU and memory, you wont ever be able to find the sound you need and the PSIdrum2 is not the most stable thing you can come across.
Also if you have a set of 1000 hihats, you'll have to make room for another PSIdrum2 to make the other sounds. You can only import ONE kit at a time.
I always use either a Whitenoise Drummer 3 or a Pro 4 sampler for drums.
Pro 4:
The most easy. Simply load your drumsamples into the wavetable. You can import stereo waves by rigthclicking on the Pro 4 in the Machine Editor (F3).
Create more tracks in the Pattern Editor (Enter or F2).
One track for Basedrums.
One track for Closed Hi-Hat sounds.
One for Open HH sounds.
Other tracks could be used for Rev-Cymbals, Rimshots and further on.
The easy part about the Pro 4 is that you just select the desired wave at the top op your screen and use your Computer-Keyboard (not your synth, he) to type in the Drumsounds at the desired places.
For the correct playback, simply press "Z" (on my K.B. anyway). If you wish, you can make easy Pitch-Shift by choosing other keys, this could make your basedrum Deeper or higher.
The Pro 4 also have some cool effect wich can be usegfull.
The Whitenoise Drummer 3:
Not as easy but rather cool. Uses waves from the wavetable.
You can create several tracks also with this sampler. You'll have to specify wich sample (nr) you want to use for each track, by finding the place "WaveSample" (or something) in the Pattern Editor.
The cool part: Every track can have it's own unique Panning (Place in the Stereo spectrum).
The downside:
The W.D.3. uses "Triggers" instead of notes (1 = on , 0 = off). If you want to change the pitch you have to use the "Strech" function, Not cool. Also you won't be able to hear the actual sound before you play a pattern in the sequence editor.
Normally I use this mashine only for HiHats and the likes if I want to create panning.
This is what I could come up with freehand. If I think of something else, I'll post a new reply so that you'll be notified.
More questions? Just post em!
[Edited by Dj Chriss on 09-25-2000 at 09:35 AM]