Blazetrak Reviews.

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What up guys.. I wanted to see if anyone else on here has used Blazetrak. I had this record I wanted to push to Big Sean last summer, so I hit up a Def Jam A&R on Blazetrak.. paid something like 132$ for the submission.

About a week later, I got a video response. The feedback was very positive, he loved the beat, told me to have somebody get on the hook, and he would push it to him.. So I had a homie in Long Beach hop on the hook and sent it back to him. I got a response shortly saying he pushed him the beat.. I was pumped and thought this deal might have actually been worth the $.

I followed up a few weeks later to see if the track made it to Sean, and if was rocking with it or not. This is when he was working on the "Detroit" tape. I never got a response. I waited another few weeks or so, followed up again and sent some more material which he also asked me to do in the first response, and never heard anything back again.

That was my experience with Blazetrak. I figured he either never sent him the beat or Sean just wasn't feeling it.. I'll probably never know, but I want to hear other people's experience with the site.

joeHODGES's sounds on SoundCloud - Hear the world
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yep i have noticed that so its not just me.. u submit something, they like it, they promise to send u an email or call u whatever or that they will forward your submission to some of 'their' people and your like 'hell yeahh' but then u never hear from them again.. I have submitted many times, spent a lot of $$, they are really feeling my tracks but that's where it all stops.. :( idk..
That's the risk you take with anything you have to pay for. Does it work sure it does, but everyone isn't going to have a success story.
really seems like a scam

Far from a scam. The problem is people expect positive results simply because they've parted with money.. When sites like this go up, most inexperienced people go for it.

I'm not calling anyone in this thread inexperienced, I'm just speaking in general.

Just because the music,video or whatever you're presenting is good doesn't mean they want to or even need to work with you at that time.

People have expectations and nothing is guaranteed. So as with anything, people that get good results are going to praise it and those that don't are going to insult it.
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On that note, I invested my money because I wanted honest, professional criticism on my record.. I spent a lot of work on the track and felt it was a solid fit for the artist. I was not expecting a positive result just because I paid him to listen to my music... I would much rather have an industry professional tell me that my music wasn't right for the artist, or that he didn't want to work with me at this time, rather than being led on. I believe that people out there have had successful blazetrak connections.. that is why I started this post, to hear what other's had to say about their experience.
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where are the positive stories at?

Good question, I doubt many "on this forum" have bothered using it. Much like going to a dub dominate or scoring forum and asking about pmp...gotta search around forums and groups of people that use these mediums. FP... not the place for that
I was actually thinking about using blazetrak, but now I know not to. Paying someone to listen to my work? That's absurd.
I've used it about 4-5 times, only on people that are chargin 2-5 credits tho.. Some people will say they are not too sure and would want you to follow up and resubmit (pay again) in a certain amount of time.. I've had 2 people say they really liked what they heard and gave me contact info to submit more stuff.. The first one I never heard back from after he seemed so 'interested' to work... the 2nd one asked for some of my files to collaborate, we setup a dropbox and we still haven't finished anything.. I followed up but not going to harass the guy.. Im sure if you have GAME CHANGING material you def get something done through blazetrak, but thats what they want is really super dopeee crazzzyy shit

also they dont update the list of industry ppl on that site so you could be submitting to someone who was looking for records a year or 2 years ago.. your submission will be sitting around 30 days to no reply and will have to ask for your credits back and submit to someone else who would not have been your ideal choice
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Hi Everyone, I have used blazetrak, I submited 10 snips of my beats in my 1st submission to the game & stat quo, Stat quo reply with a video and he said I have some dope shit and he wants to hear more of my work to see how versatile I can be so i re=submitted another 10 snips and he said he was not feeling the beats I sent, he said nothing else to me. So of my own back I decided I am going to submit again for a 3rd time lol (some would say that's stupid) however I submitted again and stat quo replied again with another video and he said he liked the 3rd submission and he gave me his personal email address after that, so I personally have had a good response from it. there not just looking for good beats or dope beats I think they want to see who invests and who is serious and who is persistent.
YOU have the beats
rappers NEED beats
NOBODY is moving acapella albums
so why are you PAYING them to listen?

find an a&r, manager, dj, artist whos looking for beats and theyll listen to your music FOR FREEEEEEE
hell, go on twitter
try to find major artists who are willingly putting out their own emails looking for beats!

---------- Post added at 07:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 AM ----------

there not just looking for good beats or dope beats.

yes they are!! dope beats are all that matters
if you have a great beat why would they need to test how much money youre willing to spend??
do you think your favorite producers had to pay an artist to give them a listen? NO!
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The whole process seems backwards kind of, also some peoples experience of them asking to keep submitting to make more money off them is kind of shady to me.
if you wants feeb back on ya tracks, post beats on Fp for Free,
thats pretty much what Blazetrak is doing but charging you to do so. its a lick for Blazetrak.
I've interned for a major label (there are really only 3 that own all the non-indie labels). I have personally seen executives listen to to beat CDs and browse through YouTube channels. Then they ask their in-house or affiliated producers "Can you remake this with a twist?"....with that said, I wouldn't doubt the possibility of it happening through a web service. So when you are using such services, make sure you copyright and keep record of who you share your work with.
I've never used the site, wasn't familiar with it until a few weeks ago. I plan on giving it a try in a few months once I got a nice batch of new beats to choose from. I've have had the same thing as the original poster experienced happen to me several times with submitting to majors that post out a beat address on twitter, I think that is just how people in the industry work they will respond and say they love the track but then a week later I guess they don't like it anymore and completely stop replying and never fill the producer in on anything. It's a pain because I've put joints on hold for up to 6+ months in the past while they could of been up getting sold instead. I've seen a few success stories via Blazetrak on youtube so I'm excited to give it a shot, sure the odds are much better then sending to the public e-mails on twitter that get bombarded with beats daily.
I submitted 3 snippets to rapper/writer J-Doe and received a so-so response with sort of generic feedback about being original. I feel there are some professionals doing blazetrak for a quick's a risk. A lot of the responses are like 30 secs-minute with generic feedback and at the end they say to send again if they like it (meaning you have to pay again). I dont think i'll be using the site any time soon and I think it's wiser to invest that money instead into new vsts/sounds/etc.
Plain and simple, a large majority of the guys at blazetrak are not musicians, nor do they know the first thing about music let alone music theory. These are a bunch of guys who take the ideas of aspiring, hungry unsuspecting musicians & artist and use them to incorporate into their own compositions. I got first hand knowledge of this because I ran into a guy I went to school with on there. I really got suspicious because I knew this guy had no talent or interest in music. I looked him up on Facebook and he gave me his email address. I contacted him and pressed him about blazetrak and he shared with me the information I have just shared with you. If you want to create a buzz for yourself start making videos and putting them on YouTube. Please don't fall for the blazetrak scam.
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