Song Composition


Ok...I have been making music for a sec but I think never like ask or found out how to put together a song...I go about it how I feel....but it'sl like every song for me goes with a 16bar chorus and a 32 bar verse do anyone have any info so I can like be more official about how to build a song....also ....i do keep my beats between 120 and 145 that high or is it normal...or is that why I have 16 bar choruses....anyway guys help me out.......Check out my soundcloud

SixElevenProductionz's Spotlight page on SoundCloud - Hear the world
Tempo is everything when it comes to the length of individual sections within your song structure.

There are a lot of folks who are going to say that your tempi (this is the correct plural of tempo) are double the speed they need to be. They are both right and wrong at the same time.

Tempo set at 144bpm: verses are 32 bars long in a time signature of 4/4 - that is 128 beats, elapsed time is (128/144) x 60 = 53[sup][sup]1[/sup]/[sub]3[/sub][/sup] seconds

Tempo set at 72 bpm: verses are 16 bars long in a time signature of 4/4 - that is 64 beats, elapsed time is (64/72) x 60 = 53[sup][sup]1[/sup]/[sub]3[/sub][/sup] seconds

i.e. either tempo is correct: the number of bars in a phrase are exactly double that used at the slower tempo

Why is working with a higher tempo easier? : everything becomes less cluttered.

At 144bpm, the smallest values will be 16ths or 32nds, at 72bpm those smallest values become 32nds and 64ths - i.e.the density of rhythms (how small the note division is) in each bar is greater at a slower tempo.

Another way of thinking about it: A 32nd note roll at 72bpm becomes a 16th note roll at 144bpm - it is easier to move these larger values around the grid.