Need help with some sounds

Guys i am having a problem. I want to make a melody with a fast pluck and a sound that holds bass notes. Something like the intro of the song ΦΙ ΒΗΤΑ ΣΙΓΜΑ - ΚΑΘΩΣ ΑΠΟΜΑΚΡΥΝΟΜΑΙ ΑΠ'ΤΗ ΓΗ (copy and paste it on youtube search because i cant post links yet). I started making beats like 3 or 4 months ago so i dont know much. Thanks for the understanding. :)[h=1][/h]
A sound that holds bass notes?
You can achieve a pluck sound with any VST, create a sound with a fast attack and a fast release, as well as a short decay or hold.
Then just play around with wave tables and effects.

I'm not sure what you mean with a bass that holds bass notes, and what kind of bass are you looking for? Like a deep one? Or a chill one, or maybe a square bass so a real buzz bass? You gotta be a bit more specific man.
I don't really understand what you want to know, but what for me really works, is searching for remakes. There are tons of remake on Youtube, search for remakes that has the technique in it what you want to have. Then have a look on how they did it and try it yourself!