More advanced chord help..


New member
Okay. So I've been teaching myself music theory for a while now, got the basics sorted. I understand chords can be based on notes in a scale, using any chord e.g. Chord I-VII or whatever, I can figure that bit out. I understand they should have a mix of minor + major chords, or augmented and diminished to create interesting progressions and make tension.

One part I don't understand, and can't find help with, is when do you incorporate the 7th + 9th, suspended ect. chords? I've used them before (stealing chord progressions haha) but i can't figure out how to use them myself. I understand they add flavour to the progression, and I understand how to build them, just not where to add them to a progression.

I'm not a genius in musical theory so if someone could take the time to explain this to me, it would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Okay. So I've been teaching myself music theory for a while now, got the basics sorted. I understand chords can be based on notes in a scale, using any chord e.g. Chord I-VII or whatever, I can figure that bit out. I understand they should have a mix of minor + major chords, or augmented and diminished to create interesting progressions and make tension.

One part I don't understand, and can't find help with, is when do you incorporate the 7th + 9th, suspended ect. chords? I've used them before (stealing chord progressions haha) but i can't figure out how to use them myself. I understand they add flavour to the progression, and I understand how to build them, just not where to add them to a progression.

I'm not a genius in musical theory so if someone could take the time to explain this to me, it would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

see this

and this

and this

and this

and this

and this

and this

should be enough to be going on with