Favorite Composers??

I'm a sample-based hip-hop producer and i've always yearned to compose. I always try to throw a couple melodies or additional chords into my beat but it ends up being too much, usually when i try to compose some entirely it ends up being too empty. Is there any instrumental music you think you can steer me too that i could learn from?

other than that, post your favorites and who influences you!
You ever watcxh j cole or arrabbmusic or alchemist or timberland compose... Then again ryan leslie that man is a genius but when he composes its pure natural its adds its subtracts add vocals i say ryan leslie
Ryan Leslie comes right to mind. Watch some bands too. Roots is an obvious one. Watch live how their parts work together.
Composer is a weird (unclear) term when u talk bout hip-hop, because most producers "compose their own stuff."
Nevertheless, 1500 or nothin are a extremely talented group of cats.
stravinsky, debussy, liszt, chopin, bach, beethoven, boulez, berlioz, sculthorpe, penberthy