Distorted Vocal, bass and Trumpet Sounds


New member
Hi guys,

I am trying to find out how to achieve a specific effect. It sounds like a type of distorted effect (sometimes in reverb) which the producers below use on their vocals and sometimes on the bass / trumpet sounds.

Herewith I have a few tracks that I'd like you to listen to.

At 1:47, 2:20 and 3:20 in the song is where you can clearly hear the effect on the vocals.

at 1:16 and 1:21 in the song you can clearly hear some type of bass distortion sounds in reverb.

at 1:01 a vocal sample comes in and repeats every few bars. It's maybe less of what I want but it holds the same characteristics of what I am trying to achieve

At 0:30 the vocal comes in and it also has the pitched/distorted characteristic to it.

at 4:00 and 4:04 it sounds like the have the same distorted effect on the trumpets as with the first 2 tracks mentioned above

Does anyone know how to achieve any of these effects?