Clean and Small or Big and Distorted!


New member
Hey guys, lately I have been trying to get more on my engineering skills and a lot of the time I find one of two things happens to my mix... It either sounds super clean and small or it sounds huge and distorted with clashing frequencies.... I'm running Logic 9 with a really fast computer and just about any plug-in you can think of... Any tips from experience you guys have? I can post examples if needed, but its really just a general question as I'm not talking about one specific mix.

Thanks in advance.
So, your process would be interesting to read, as it is that the determines whether the final mix is as you describe.....

What plugins, when and how arethe key to understanding your issues as is some audio examples.....
They need to be big and small. When it sounds clean, you crank the threshold of your limiter up or "maximizer". Make sure you only have on on your master though or itll over compress everything. Look into a mastering suit too, but yea it sounds like your just missing the part where you use your limiter to make everything louder without distorting everything. I could be wrong though, im not an expert, thats just what I do. lol.
I say BIG and distorted.......
Worked well for Hendrix

Thats completely different.
During tracking, yes. Live, yes. A distorted mix? no way......

OP, You want your MIX to sound clean and small. If you need more volume during mixing, just crank your speakers (only for a short period tho, its better to mix at lower volumes).
That way when you master it (as a 2-track) you can really pump the volume and get the loudness and saturation that you want by using Stereo spreads, multiband compressors and limiters...