Bass Kick Help


New member
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes. I've been using kontak for a while and I can't seem to come up with the right bass kicks. I want to make the typical house kicks which are a snare or a hand clap compressed with bass drum. How would you go about doing this on kontak? I have played with the sample's attack and release but nothing, is there a tutorial on this or am I doing something wrong? The closest I have come is mixing the samples in SoundForge...

Why don't you use sampled kicks? It's a little easier, and you can tune them, mix 2 different samples (layering) and etc.

If you're in that traditional Disco/House thing, you'll want sampled kicks, for sure. You can take some kicks from another records, or download from internet, or buy sample CDs.

In case you feel absolutely necessary to make your own kicks, I'd sugest you to layer a kick with less bass and good attack with a sine-wave kick, and play with the decay, reducing subbass freqs like 40-60hz and increasing (not much) the 80-100hz area.