Why your bass traps don't work


So I've read on this page that using rockwool bass traps are useless if they aren't placed a certain distance from the wall, which eliminates space of the typical home studio. It also states that using commercial FOAM, yes foam, is probably a better option. There's another alternative it states, which are membrane absorbers, don't know what they are though. Now I'm quite confused here, I'm a complete newb to this, I just wanted to make a home studio but after reading this i'm stuck and don't know what to spend my money on. Maybe you more experienced people can help. Peace. --------------------> Why your bass traps don't work.
Thomas from Northward Acoustics is an amazing designer - one of the best IMO. If I ever fully built a studio and had the money...would love to hire him.
The problem is when people speak in absolutes and don't explain. I haven't watched the video but I understand your question.
Velocity based absorbers (standard broadband panels and bass traps) need to be placed at the 1/4 wavelength to be 100% effective at a certain frequency but very close to 100% is still achieved without this. Test results from independent show the true absorption capabilities, and thick corner traps are far enough into the room to be very effective.
Membrane absorbers are a type of pressure based absorbers which means basically that they work better on the wall than velocity based absorbers. They are narrowband absorbers (compared to broadband absorbers) and sometimes can be tuned to different frequencies.
Here's a link to an article I wrote about understanding the different types of trapping and where/when they are useful: Understanding Different Bass Trapping - GIK Acoustics