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Thought the title would get people interested in this simple question. What are your steps to the songwriting process? Werther you prefer to listen to a beat first or maybe you like to make a hook first than work around that. I personally freewrite about what point I try to stress and work around there and listen to beats to get me out of writer blocks.
Thought the title would get people interested in this simple question. What are your steps to the songwriting process? Werther you prefer to listen to a beat first or maybe you like to make a hook first than work around that. I personally freewrite about what point I try to stress and work around there and listen to beats to get me out of writer blocks.

Often enough im just thinking, and ideas kind of just pop out.

So I guess number 1 is a concept. And I brainstorm around that and try to find corresponding ideas to see what kind of imagery I can use. Then that usually squeezes out a hook. And just kind of continue from there.

Ultimately it's fair to say the idea you have has been done 1000 times, But it really how how you approach it.

Example: Shaggy- It wasnt me

Song about getting caught cheating on his girl and instead of it being a giant apology about his faithlessness the song takes an approach that hasn't been done before.

Just my 2 cents
i really like the idea of this thread because i just recently realized that i SHOULD develop my own tried and true method and just use whatever gets the work done.