Feedback for new project please.

I listened to "Dark Days". Instrumentally, the 808s could be louder but I like the acoustic guitar and the melody. I think you could put way more energy into your delivery. The voice melody sounds too monotone too, even though I know you're going for a dark and depressed vibe. Not bad

Feedback on this please Goodbye [F4F]
I clicked randomly on beat 4. First I will say you need to put more effort in the Art work lol I don't mind the writing but you should have written it with a marker at least, the reason being in the thumbnail it's almost impossible to read it. Now back to the song, I think its great has a ton of potential the mix on the vocals could use some tweaking. I think they are a bit dry in terms of reverb and delay. The 808 could def punch through, I honestly think if you get the funds to get an audio engineer to mix your song you can get a buzz man you got potential real talk. Keep it up!

Can you check me out when you get the chance?