Church Boys Grow Up (F4F)


Hi All!

Today Im posting my latest release Church Boys Grow Up. On this one I really just wanted to experiment with a R/B & Future Bass type sound. I wasnt focused on making a hit or something catchy. I just wanted to create something you can vibe to ya know? Let me know how you feel about it(Mix,arrangement, anything).Any feedback or constructive criticism I'd appreciate it. All soundcloud comments, and etc would be appreciated. Dont be afraid to follow on soundcloud aswell lol. Dont forget to link your song so I can give you feedback on it. Thank You for your time. (If the soundcloud link doesnt show below, click Here ( )

In my opinion this is a really good first try, I also plan to try do some stuff in Future Bass, which I really enjoy to listen to from time to time.

Especially I liked the riser choice and how it was suddenly interrupted in the drop. I tried to find out what you can consider to change and I got two things to share.

First of all, the intro sounds too raw for me and I would add more movement (effects or automation). Secondly in the mid-part there is a whistle sound - here I would also consider another choice or processing it more. Nevertheless, I think this is a good-level production and I will surely use it for comparing with my Future Bass tries in future.