Ways to manipulate a sound/sample

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I'm fairly new to sampling but a few things I do right now is reverse my samples, add delays, change the pitch of my samples.

pretty much if you add any effect and play with the effect you'll alter the sample one way or another, it just comes down to what you're trying to achieve, just try everything out.
Huge, massive topic for me.

To me, samples are instruments so just like a real instrument, you have complete control over them. My goal with music is to play recordings, samples and instruments together and to be unable to tell which is which and also to make something which sounds like its made from a lot of different things but has enough life to it that it could be sampled.
you could chop it up into bar loops, you could chop them up into tiny sections and play them like an instrument, there are way too many to list. and then you got effects that could come into play and that could change the sample up even more. say you found a hot 2 bars or somethin of just a guitar riff, you could chop that guitar riff into all of its individual pieces and play it all in a different order to make a new guitar riff. or you could just loop those 2 bars. add effects and drums and whatever else you wnt and you got some crazy new ish
What are you using to manipulate the sample? FL Slicer is underrated IMO, I love being able to visually chop up my samples.
one thing i like doing is taking a hit, say the first note on brass constructions "moving" and tuning it to several notes to make a melody. i'm big into choppping too, i don't like looping other than a small part of the song or i feel like i'm getting over on people by throwing on some drums and bass and saying "i did this." (i do have beats that are just multiple loops though.)
if u have a nice loop,u can filter out all the high freq. and push the lows and then use it as the bassline ;)
^^^^ Easier said then done for someone who's new.
I'm just learning mixing and mastering, and it's frustrating trying to filter a clean bassline or maybe I'm just being picky, but I think it's better to EQ your samples to cut highs and lows vs using a filter effect
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