Sampling only a channel (Right/Left) from a Song?


Artistic Toolbox
Hey, sorry to bother you all, but I have a (most likely silly) question that has been stuck on my mind for months.
It might even not be possible, or in the other hand it can be super basic, but I just don't know it, sorry pals, I'm not much experienced yet.

Can you sample only a channel of a song (Right or Left)? I'm not sure if I'm saying this correctly, so by other words: I have a couple of songs that I'd love to use, but the instrumental ruins the sample - the instrumental (guitar, piano) is on the left side for example, and the vocals on the right [or the inverse, I want to sample only the instrumental, without the vocals], how do I do this?

Any reply is appreciated.
If a song is already mixed and on LP or CD, you can't "un-mix it" and take what you want out. But if it happens to be panned (spread across the stereo field) in such a way that what you want to sample is on one side or the other (Left or Right in a stereo recording), then yes, of course you can sample only one side. If you are using a turntable, CD player, or tape deck with RCA cables to sample into your computer, sampler, or recording machine, simply leave the side you don't want un-plugged (generally red for right, white or black for left),
and !voila!, a one-sided sample. This generally doesn't sound awesome, but if there is a way for you to pan that side center, or to sample/record in mono, then you will be fine.

If you are working in a program like Sound Forge, you can have the program pan the material center for you if it comes in on one side or the other...

Record the sample and convert to mono with the channel you want to keep as the source..
The best thing to do is buss the channel that you want to record to a new track, then pan it hard left or right to record the instrument that you want to sample. Arm the track and record the sample.