Splitting Tracks up in my mixset...Help!



Okay, I have two mixsets done and I need to split them into tracks and burn them into CDs.
Before I go on, let me mention that I am using Soundforge 4.5.

Here's the trick:
I have already "split" the tracks into "regions" and have name them.
But when I played them using winamp, I do not see the playlist at all.

My goal:
My goal is to split my mixset into tracks and still be able to play them in one whole continuous set. And I need advice on that.

My Questions:
Do I have to literally split my mixset into separate tracks and save them as individual file name?
If I do that, will they play as a continuous mixset?

They are my questions... and i have been cracking my brains out trying to figure these out.
Help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

ther is a thing called red book format ,that states in the burning process that there is a 2 second buffer between tracks ..solution ===
cut all your regions into indavidual tracks (save every region as indavidual file)line them up when u burn just like u want them to play and burn as disc at once this will create a constant play with no breaks / / but the indavidual tracks will be there and u will see them on play list and can skip back and forth .

this should work ...:)