


What are you guys thoughts on sidechaining/ducking? Is it really mandatory? Do you really need it? Can't you use a limiter on the master bus instead of sidechaining? let me know what you guys think... thanks
Depending on the effect your going for, sidechaining can be mandatory. I mean, it basically qualifies as an effect in a way. but having two bassy parts hit together and then jamming through a limiter is not a great thing to do. Remember that compression, while it can be abused, in a standard sense you should use it in small amounts everywhere to make room in your mix and have it be fuller.
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If you have an 808 kick, and a bass, yes, you're gonna need it. It'll make room for the kick. That way, they can both be heard clearly.
I use it on heavy kicks or dance music all the time. It's not something I do on every track though.