Pop Punk Vocal Technique

All Time Low - Remembering Sunday
Starting at :34 "Leaning now, into the breeze"
Again at :58 "She lead him upstairs x2, left him dying to get in."

Marianas Trench - Porcelain
Starting at :40

All Time Low - Let It Roll
It's in a few places in the first verse. "I'm wide awake and thinking" "in a harsh reality"
Then when the chorus hits at :42 its used pretty heavily, and is most apparent when notes are being held out.

I realize what I asked was about a pop-punk vocal effect/style, and most of the songs I chose are rather low-key, but I feel it's in these band's quieter songs that the technique becomes very obvious and easy to make out.

My question is pretty straightforward. What is it? I'm not even sure if I'm in the right forum or not because I'm not sure whether to classify it as a songwriting technique or a recording technique. Is it a well placed harmony part? Or is it some kind of double tracking? Thanks to any and all replies!
I'm asking my apologies in advance for being a little ironic here, but do any vocal techniques apply to punk vocals?
Just about any genre of music will do this... it's just a harmonized background vocal... recorded onto a second track and turned down a bit to not get in the way of the lead vocal, but to compliment it.