What tempo do you usually use on average?

It depends on the song, 95BPM is a common range for me as well when doing a hiphop track or a track with a good general rhythm, but say a R&B track, depending on how your sequence is, it may suit one to use a slower BPM.

Nice topic by the way.
97, 96. Sometimes even 99, but it depends on where I'm going with the whole beat and who I think is gon to be doin vocals on it. I've never did a tempo at 100 or more.
These days uptempo tracks are what people are feeling (90+) so I try to cater to that. Not to say that other styles will be the same, Southern anthem type songs I usually do 67-80 bpm (or 135-160 depending on how I feel like sequencing it.) Westcoast ones tend to fall somewhere in between, with a steady beat.
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I usually will start off a beat at like...87BPM. Then depending on tha sound that I'm tryna make or how I want tha beat to go, I adjust accordingly. Right now tho, I've been messin wit a BPM of 115, just to see what I can do wit tha speed. I like to experiment.