Putting beats on www.mybeatshop.com


New member
Whatsup people. I've been making beats since august. Haven't really been motivated to practice much and watch youtube videos because I've been busy with college. My question is before putting my beats on the website mybeatshop.com which is a website for selling your beats or buying beats, should I mix my beats first? Honestly I like the way they sound without mixing them and I don't think they need tweaking. I don't know how to mix beats or even why it is so important. The impression I have is that mixing is just to make your beat sound more professional. But I don't really know how important it is. I don't want to learn how to mix right now, I just want to put my beats on the website and sell them. If I don't mix them first could messed up things happen when the rapper tries to record vocals over it like static and stuff like that. I just don't want to give my customers damaged product. Let me know why it's important or not important to mix before I put my beats on the website. Thanks.
First of all are you talking about Mastering? Mixing the the part where you choose all your sounds and samples to create the arrangement which, once played back, puts all the sounds you have chosen together to create the track. Here you can also add an array of effects ranging from compression to EQing to phasing to filtering to delays, etc the possibilities are endless. The mastering part is getting all these sounds at the right dB so they are full and heard properly to maximize their fullness and quality. If you are talking about mastering,'this is what will make your beats sound more 'professional' and 'full" but if you get the 'mix' or arrangement the right way with the right effects and it sounds good enough then of course you can post it for sale, just not sure how many people will buy it. Often times I will arrange a track but it definitely needs masterign to smooth out the volumes of each sample to make it sound full and lush on any sound system aka it sounds like crap if it isnt mastered. Other times I have really good samples which are pre-compressed and I can simply arrange them, adding minimal effects, and the play back sounds amazing.. Personally, I still try to master these myself, while the ones that sound horrible and def need mastering I would send off to an engineer.